Page 200 of Survival is Hard

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“You don’t need to apologise,” I reply. “But I’m not sure how much longer we can drag it out for. I’m surprised she’s not getting curious about why.”

“I think she’s got bigger things to focus on lately,” Kai says. “Maybe if Cevon wasn’t such a fucking prick, she’d be able to handle things better.”

“You can’t blame him for her poor mood,” I say, shaking my head at my brother.

“And you really need to back off Cevon,” Fin adds. “Let him and Atticus deal with their split, and the rest of us need to mind our own fucking business.”

Malachi snarls, turning towards Fin with a deadly look on his face. I’m not ashamed of the fact that I’m less dominant than Kai, or that I’m less dominant than Griffin. Hell, Nora’s the only one in this house that I outrank, and I’m cool with that, normally.

But, right now, when Griffin and Kai are about to go at it, I wish I had a stronger bark.

“You know fucking nothing,” Kai hisses, and Fin rolls his eyes. “What? Do you really think you know years of history that you weren’t there for?”

Fin scoffs. “Atticus’s history isn’t your history.”

“He was my friend,” Malachi roars, storming forward with his fists clenched at his sides. “He was my best fucking friend, and he left me behind. Fuck Atticus, and his whining. I don’t give a shit about their drama. I care about me.”

Fin doesn’t even flinch, just regards my brother with a feigned bored look.

“Really? Your feelings are what take priority?” Fin asks. “Can’t you just let it go for Nora’s sake?”

“You know nothing,” Kai snaps, pushing past him and storming away.

“What the fuck?” Fin murmurs, glancing at me.

I shake my head, not sure how to explain.

Cevon was there for us during a shitty time of our lives. When the truth about Kai came to light and our family pushed him out, I left, too. We had nothing, nobody. But Cevon didn’t let us just flounder. He brought us here, and with Atticus, they got us sorted.

I finished my degree with Atticus’s help, since he funded it, and then went to work at Legal Pride. If it weren’t for Cevon, though, I don’t know if that would’ve been the case.

But maybe my brother blames himself for not being there when roles were reversed.

I sigh and go grab the bottle of water I wanted, and pour some of it into a glass. Nora’s flat out, so at least she missed this newest drama happening.

We’ve promised we’ll do better because we all know that any instability during her heat is going to cause some extreme issues for her. It’ll lead to an unhappy situation, and she’ll be in a lot of pain if we can’t be united.

These little bumps that keep happening are only highlighting how bad the cracks between us all are.

And she can’t be the one to suffer.

I won’t let her.

“What are you doing?” Kai asks, coming into the kitchen. I flinch, turning away from the window, and raise an eyebrow. “Fin went to bed like twenty minutes ago. I’ve been waiting for you to come up.”

“Why?” I can’t keep the suspicion out of my tone as I regard him. We don’t ever go to bed together. Especially not since Nora’s been back from... well, from Cevon’s place. I’ve spent every night in her room because I’m one of the only ones who can stand being around Cevon.

We need to get his room sorted, actually, because I know Nora’s starting to worry about spending every night with us.

“I need your help,” Kai says.

“Okay. What do you need?”

“Not here,” Kai says, looking around as if there’s someone listening. I don’t know who he’s keeping this from—Atticus, Cevon, or Nora are my likely guesses—but he knows I’d never deny him anything.

I nod, rinse out my glass, and follow him up the stairs. He bypasses Nora’s room, ignores his own door, and opens mine. This only piques my curiosity more.

I settle down in my desk chair and wait for him to tell me what’s going on.
