Page 250 of Survival is Hard

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It’s taken six long years for me to feel peace the way I now do.

Six years for my human and I to finally bond in the way we should have if it weren’t for me being weak.

And now, we’ve got seven mates who love us more than anything.

My human thinks it’s time to be happy. To move on. To enjoy our life.

And I wish that were true.

But how can we do that if our mates are still lying to each other?



“I’ve never seen her like this,” Atticus says, completely confused as he watches our mate giggle with Micah on the floor as they do their jigsaw together.

I don’t get the appeal. It looks fucking shit, they’re nowhere near finished, and black is a terrible colour, but she’s happy and that’s all that matters.

Micah’s an annoying fuck though, making her laugh at his shitty jokes. Him, I’ve got to watch.

“Her mind has been ill for a very long time, brother,” I say, sitting back in my chair, and spreading my legs as I sip at the icy cold water I’ve got.

“I’ve never seen you like this either,” he says, but I don’t bother to look his way. Fucking asshole that he is.

I shrug, popping the lid off my beer. “The darkness is something Nora and I both share. She’s working on defeating her demons, and now it’s my turn.”

Or so she says.

I quite like the familiarity of the shadows.

“I meant in a good way,” Atticus says, causing me to pause. Good? He sees something good in me? “I don’t like the path you’ve chosen, Cev. I chose to help people, to use the power dad’s name afforded us and continue to do good work.”

Oh fuck off. That prick is lucky he’s dead. I’ll piss on his grave just to spite him.

Unsurprisingly, Atticus didn’t want to do it the other night, and it would be weird to do it alone with them two watching.

But I’m going to do it.

“And you don’t think that was my intention?” I ask, instead of fighting about urination.

“Becoming the leader to the hunters, the very people that hurt our kind… no, Cevon, you didn’t.”

“I’ve single-handedly killed more hunters than those under my command have shifters.”

A bold, but truthful statement.

Let’s just ignore the few shifters he knows I’ve killed.

“And let’s pretend I believed you—which I don’t—but if that’s true, how come you let your mate be targeted?”

“She’s only my mate because none of you fuckers sealed the bond.”

“Not relevant.” He purses his lips, trying desperately not to fight with me, but still get his point across.

“Because whilst I’m in charge, I’m not all seeing.” And also, I didn’t really care until she became my mate, as he well knows.
