Page 251 of Survival is Hard

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“Are you two arguing?” Fin asks, hesitantly coming into the room.

The griffin was a good choice as a mate, and despite Nora’s wolf working against her at the time it happened, I think that she was also protecting her. Nora’s wolf has chosen strong, loyal mates that will do anything for her. Deep down, I believe that she did it on purpose.

“No,” I say, and it’s true. We’re making progress and moving forward. “Sit, revel in the laughter of our mate, and ignore the pouting from my baby brother.”

“Baby brother?” Atticus snaps, but there’s no heat to his words. “I’m three years older than you, for fuck’s sake.”

“See, you might be older, but personality wise you’re a child. Now shut the fuck up, and drink your pop,” I mutter, causing Fin to laugh.

“You know, sometimes I can’t see it, and then you do shit like that and it makes me realise that you are actually related.”

“Obviously,” I drawl. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for wanting to connect with him.

And it’s taken a long time to figure out, but we’re finally starting to move forward.

* * *

The rest of the afternoon has been very chill. Micah had to head into the office for some work, and Malachi, Orson and Devoss had a meeting to attend. Nora has been reading with me, whilst Griffin snoozes on and off. Griffin’s been enjoying the time off of work, after how hard he had to work to guarantee the time off for Nora’s heat.

Atticus has sat with us, but he’s been working this whole time.

We hear the front door open, and Nora smiles as Malachi and Orson come into the house with Voss. They’ve been out for the last two hours at a meeting and even I’m feeling their loss after the intense last few weeks together.

But they come in to the room with very serious expressions on their face.

“What’s going on?” Atticus asks, looking between the three of them.

“We need to talk,” Malachi says, and I raise an eyebrow at him since it’s obvious that his words are directed towards me, despite Atticus being the one to ask the question.

“About?” I ask.

That’s when I smell his guilt, his nerves, and I’m not the only one. Nora puts down her kindle, and walks over to us, sitting herself in my lap.

“What’s going on?” she asks, gently.

The bond is something I’ve missed. It’s different with her, the openness that we share isn’t something I remember from when Lainey and I shared it.

“I need to be honest,” Malachi says. “And you’re going to fucking hate me.”

“Been there, done that, got over it,” I say, squeezing Nora closer.

“No, but this is next level,” Mal says.

“It is,” Micah adds. “I’m sorry.”


He sighs, but Mal shakes his head. “This is my story to share,” Malachi says, before telling me of his suspicious, of how he doubted my mate.

I try to hold in my anger, but as soon as Micah brings out the receipts, my anger fades completely. They’re right.

My own doubts regarding Lainey come to light, memories I’ve buried with my grief, flashing before my eyes.

“What do you remember of that day?” Atticus asks.

“Shit,” I say, closing my eyes briefly as pain washes over me. Even knowing she likely lied to me from the beginning, doesn’t take away the destruction that occurred on this day.

“You don’t need—” Nora starts, her gentle words and gentle hands touching me in a way they couldn’t reach a fortnight ago. But we’re bonded now, fully mated.
