Page 39 of Survival is Hard

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But more importantly? I need to spend time figuring out the kind of person I am, without all the extras on top. Without needing to figure out who’s going where or which person is doing what.

I need to focus on me.



“Good morning, baby girl,” Griffin says, coming into the room and opening the curtains directly opposite me. I cringe, but he doesn’t pause before opening the other set, too. The light is blinding, a harsh winter light, and I already hate it.

“Why are you punishing me?” I groan, rubbing my eyes, and he smirks. He’s wearing a light grey hoodie with a pair of tight-fitting dark jeans. He’s bare foot, and his socks are mismatched, which isn’t his usual style.

“It’s eleven am, baby girl. If I were punishing you, I’d have woken you up at seven with me.”

“Really?” I roll over and check the clock on my side table, and my eyebrows raise in surprise. I’ve slept all night, and nearly all morning. “Huh.”

“Why are you so surprised?”

I shrug, yawning as I sit up. “I took my sleeping pill at, like, seven, so I’m just surprised I slept for as long as I did.”

Although, I probably shouldn’t be. The loss of control was a big part of why I didn’t want to take them. The groggy side effects were another, and I feel so grimy.

But if I want to commit to this staying alive business, and I’m like eighty percent sure that I do, then I need to put in the work.

“Oh, wow.”

I nod, hating how they’re effecting me, but I do feel a bit better after having some sleep. “I’m going to go shower, I think. See if that helps me wake up a bit. I feel a bit groggy.”

“Good idea,” he says, giving me a warm smile. I sniff the air, as discreetly as I can, and smell his pride.

He’s happy I’m making healthy decisions.

“How was your eye appointment?” I ask, remembering Atticus and Orson scheduled one for him today, but when he sighs, I know it likely didn’t go well. Oops. I smell his frustration, and gasp when he pulls out a bottle of eye drops from the pocket of his jeans with pure disdain in his gaze. You’d think he held a bottle of poison, versus medication, with the way he’s looking. “What are those for?”

He scoffs, and I sense him going to roll his eyes before he just clenches his jaw instead. “I have dry eyes, apparently. I’ve got to use these twice a day for the next month, and then I’ve got another appointment to get things reassessed.” He pouts at me. “Orson nearly pissed himself laughing.”

I hide my smile by biting my lips, but he focuses on the movement. In a flash, he storms across the room, pressing our bodies together, with heat in his baby blue eyes.

“Are you making fun of me, too?” he murmurs, his hand pressing against my lower back and thrusting my body into him even further. I shake my head, slowly meeting his eyes.

“I’d never make fun of you.”

He snorts and trails his nose across my cheek before pressing his lips to mine. His eye problems forgotten, I eagerly press myself into my mate, using my tongue to explore his mouth, the heat of our kiss causing the half-completed bond between us to sing with pleasure.

He deepens the kiss, tasting every inch of me, and I pull him closer by the belt on his jeans. I don’t know where I end and he begins, and that’s the way we like it. I moan when he breaks the kiss, but at least he’s doing it for a reason. He lowers me backwards onto the bed, the blankets bunching uncomfortably under me, but that’s not important. Not when my mate is hovering over me with such an intense look of desire on his face.He smirks before sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, gently biting it. I can’t help but moan whilst I lay there and let him do all the dirty things to my mouth. I trail my hands underneath his shirt, stroking his delectable abs, the heat of his skin scorching me in a way I didn’t realise was possible.

He lets out some kind of squawk as he breaks the kiss to tug his shirt off over his head, and I see the nipple piercing on the left nipple. He smirks when I rest up on my elbows, but that quickly disappears when I reach out to touch it.

He moans, and, only encouraged, my tongue darts out next. The cool metal is cold on my tongue, but his nipple is erect, and the shudder of his whole body when I tease it makes me feel powerful.

I might not have much experience, but Griffin really doesn’t seem to care.

He rocks into me, the giant erection he has looking painful in those jeans of his, and my hand reaches down to unzip his pants.

Well, that was my goal, but Fin jumps back in surprise.

“No,” he says, shaking his head with a dazed look in his eyes, and I frown as I reach for him again. I don’t want him moving away. “Nora, stop!”

The admonishment causes me to freeze, and he notes my panic. But before he can reassure me, my mind seems to settle, and I realise what I just did.
