Page 40 of Survival is Hard

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I ignored him saying no.

“I’m sorry!” I shriek, trying to move away from him. I ignored him saying no!

“Shh,” he soothes, tugging me into his lap. “Your wolf took control for a moment there, baby girl.” I gape at him, not sure how that’s possible—thinking it might just be an easy copout—but when I assess inwards and feel her desires, he is right.

My wolf pushed forward, using the wants that both Fin and I share, and decided to make a decision for us.


My wolf wants him to complete his end of the bond.


“Am not ready yet,” he says softly, and I nod my head, awkwardly wrapping my arms around myself. I hate how weak I am, how much I’m fucking all of my relationships. With a firmness I’ve not yet seen from Fin, he grabs my chin and makes my eyes meet his. “I might not know what thought just ran through your mind, but I can smell the resentment you have for yourself. I do not want to dictate how you behave, but, in this instance, I will. You do not get to think bad things about yourself.”

“You can’t control my thoughts.”

“Oh, you think wrong,” he says with a stern expression. “You are my mate. I love every inch of this body.” His free hand trails up my thigh, and then he squeezes my hip. “I love every aspect of your personality. Your sweetness, your intelligence, your empathy.” He presses a soft kiss to my nose, somehow making it sweet despite his firmness. “I love hearing your opinions and listening to you talk about nothing. I love you. But I will not tolerate you disrespecting yourself.”

I frown, and he shakes his head.

“I mean it, Nora. If I catch you thinking nasty things about yourself, you will be sorry.”

“You lose points,” I mutter, and he laughs and drops my chin.

“Points may make me the better male, baby girl, but if being the loser amongst them helps you learn that you are worthy of love, then I’ll take it.”

That sweet talker.

“What will you do if I think negatively?” I ask, ignoring the way my wolf perks up. This is between me and my mate—not our animals.

“Oh, I’ll come up with something,” he murmurs, a husky tone to his voice. “For starters, this ass of yours is so deliciously perky—”

“What are you two doing?” Micah asks, coming into my room without knocking, and breaking the spell between Fin and I. I know the eager tiger will just want some company since we’re alone in the house, but Fin’s not happy about the interruption.

“Get out,” Fin snaps, his eyes not leaving mine, but his words are directed towards Micah.

“No, it’s fine,” I murmur, sitting back on Fin’s knees. He sighs, and tucks my hair behind my ears, offering him some reassurance, so he knows our talk hasn’t been in vain. “I hear you. I’ll try.”

“Try what?” Micah asks.

“None of your damn business,” Griffin says, rolling his eyes before smiling at me. “Go shower, baby girl. We’ll finish this conversation once I get rid of the nosy tiger.”

I nod and smile at Micah as I scurry into the bathroom. I hear him and Griffin talking in low tones, but once I shut the door, there’s nothing but silence.

I shower quickly and actually dress in clothes today. I’m feeling the need to hibernate a little less, and so I’m trying.

I don’t think I’m no longer depressed… I don’t think that’s how it works.

I think, right now, I’m feeling good, and I just need to take that win when it comes.

* * *

“Okay, let’s go go go,” Atticus says, clapping his hands to get our attention.

“What?” I say, blinking at him in surprise. Even Micah seems confused, which only makes this whole exchange that much more bizarre.

The two of us are sitting on the floor in the living room, desperately trying to make progress on this jigsaw, and the house has been suspiciously quiet since I came down after my shower. Griffin, Micah, and I had lunch, and then Fin went to work. Micah and I have spent time alone, working on our jigsaw with The Big Bang Theory on in the background, and the absence of my mates has been strange.
