Page 43 of Survival is Hard

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“So, where are we going?” Micah asks, running his hand through his dark brown, naturally fluffy hair.

“It’s a fucking surprise,” Mal says, turning around to face the front. Seems he’s sick of the bickering. “Shut up, and do up your seatbelt.”

“Did we at least pack snacks?” Griffin asks, and when I glance at him, I see him rubbing his tummy as if it’s in pain.

“You never fucking stop eating,” Voss says, turning to him with disbelief in his gaze.

Mal and Micah snort, and I smile because their snorts are identical. It’s cute.

“Here,” Atticus murmurs, and I turn to where he’s sitting next to me. He hands me a small box, and I raise an eyebrow as delight fills me.

“Thank you,” I murmur.. “What is it?”

“Open it,” Atticus says, the excitement back in his tone. He’s really looking forward to this trip.

I do, and then smile slowly. It’s a brand new kindle.

“I added you to our family plan,” Atty says, stealing my new gift from me and opening it up. “You mentioned you enjoyed reading, and it’s a healthy outlet.”

I shrug, but nod. I’ve not read in a long while, and this is a very thoughtful present. He shows me how to access the Kindle store, and turn it on and off, before giving it back.

He passes me a bag next, just a small canvas one, and inside is a small neck pillow, a blanket, and some snacks. I could offer them to Griffin, but he did just call Voss a pretty rude name, so I’m keeping out of that.

“Thank you, Orson,” I call, and the bear turns to me in surprise. He spots the package, his hazel eyes lighting up, and then grins, but shakes his head. His blonde hair is in a messy bun that wobbles as he does that, and I’m lowkey jealous.

He takes after his hair in a way that I never have.

Then again, he has offered—demanded?—to help me with my own self-care, so maybe I’ll have some pretty hair soon too.“That wasn’t me,” he says.

I turn back to Atticus, and my Alpha mate smiles, but there’s a small blush on his cheeks. “That was all me, little queen.”

“Thank you,” I say, squeezing his knee. I’d reward him with a point, but he turns to join in on the bickering of the others.

Probably just to give me time to myself to get acquainted with his present. He’s thoughtful that way.

I block out the bickering, noting wryly that we’re still in the driveway, and get myself comfortable. Micah passes me a bottle of water, and then I start searching for a new book to read.

Reading is the best way to get out of your brain. You get to leave your own shitty life, and can immerse yourself in someone else’s.



“What are you reading?” Atticus asks, drawing my attention. I look to where he’s sitting, his belt undone, and a boyish grin on his face. He’s excited, and it makes me smile when he waggles his brows.

I shrug, closing my kindle, and look around. It’s only the two of us still inside the minibus.

Shit. Was I really that absorbed in my book that I didn’t realise the others had gotten out?

I get up on my knees and peer through the windows, much to Atty’s amusement. We’re clearly in the middle of nowhere, a woody area with a forest a few metres off to the left, and… yes!I see a really large cabin to the far right. It’s a pretty building, built out of wood, and seems decently modern—well, there’s a porch light, so that means there must be electricity.

I’m so fucking happy. Spending the weekend with my guys was exciting, the idea of it being in a tent was not as good.

But a cabin? I’m in fucking love. I check the time, and it seems we’ve only been driving for about two hours.

“Are we still on pride lands?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Atticus says, and my eyes widen. Holy shit. How big are pride lands? “Now stop trying to change the subject.” I tilt my head, having forgotten the original subject. “What are you reading that has captured your attention so fully?”
