Page 103 of Baby's First Howl

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“I’m sorry, little butterfly,” I say, and she nods. “No matter what, we will get to the bottom of his death, I promise.”

“And vengeance will be delivered.” Seb’s words are so much deeper than my promise was, and she shivers.

“Okay.” She leans heavily into Seb, who presses a soft kiss to her neck. There’s no jealousy as I watch him comfort my mate, and that’s not just because I get cuddles from the pup.

I can feel the love Seb has for Maia through our shared bond. I can feel his intentions, understand how badly he just wants to support her.

That’s what it boils down to—we all just want to support Maia the best way that we can.

“Can we just walk through the pros and cons of this?” Maia asks.

“So smart. So strong.”

“So fucking terrified,” I murmur back, keeping a keen eye on my mate whilst also listening out for any needs from the sleeping infant in my arms.

“Calling them tonight and asking for them to come home would be the logical step. However, my parents would know who Phoebe is and how you and she tie into Ryan and the rest of the Grey family. They’re still the leaders of the pack, still the rightful alphas and luna, which leads to us being… bendable to their will. It will unleash an entire can of worms. It may give us a head start against the Grey’s, but it will take the time away where we can get you up to speed and prepare you mentally,” Topher says, sitting forward.

My brother has a serious expression on his face, and I’m sure I look identical.

We’re in the beginning stages of this battle, and all my wolf and I want to do is protect our girls.

“In my opinion,” Ben says, and I cringe, waiting for what he’s going to say. “You’ll want to let us talk to you first, and then when it comes to dealing with my murderous mother, you’ll be able to advocate for you and Phoebe better with having this understanding.”

Maia nods slowly, and my heart slows down, surprised he wasn’t offensive.

“Because my parents are assholes and will try to take over and handle things their way,” Ben continues. “And you’ll be a weird little fish out of the water, unable to actually be helpful if you’re still ignorant of the issues.”

And there it is.

“Can’t I just be a normal fish out of water?” Maia asks, and Ben shakes his head.


I facepalm, but Maia’s twinkling laugh makes up for it.

Whilst Phoebe sleeps tonight, Maia will protect her and look after her. My brothers and I will be starting the process here, doing what we can to protect them both.

Phoebe’s a Wolfe, just like Morgan was.

And where she failed, my daughter—Ryan’s daughter—won’t.



Seb’s cuddling me close on his lap, and it’s so soothing having the sparks fly between us as it helps with my unsettled stomach. Alex is still cuddling with Phoebe, and she’s lost to the fairies. She’s tiny in his arms, and it’s so adorable seeing how attentive he is whenever she makes a noise in her sleep.

“So, what are our next steps going to be?” I ask, looking over at Phoebe.

“We’re likely going to get a summons to appear in court in the next few weeks. Maybe longer, maybe sooner,” Topher says. “But it’s not going to be the kind of court you know. This battle is going to take place amongst wolves.”

“That makes no sense,” I say with a frown. “How is this even legal?”

“It is legal,” Ben says with a nod.

“I’m not doubting the legality of it. I’m asking for an explanation in terms I’ll understand.”

“Law is not my speciality,” he says with a shrug. “I know how to operate within it and get it to work for me, but I don’t know much about the merger of wolf and human laws, sadly. I think I’d be a pretty good lawyer, though.”
