Page 111 of Baby's First Howl

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“Why did he get to go up with our mate?” Fluffy is not happy at all, and usually I’d be on his side, but I also feel a little slighted. Of course, I want to be the one getting the cuddles with my mate and pup. She likes us best, so we would just be giving her what she’s too shy to admit out loud.

But right now, I know that we’re needed downstairs so that we can dig into all of this shit with Ryan and start figuring the shit out that my brothers are incapable of doing. They’re smart...ish, but without me, they’re useless. I have the true skills of our family.

“Our brothers need us, and we need to protect our mate,” I tell Fluffy.

“We shouldn’t be punished because our brothers aren’t talented enough to do what we can.” He’s so smug as he says that, and I cough out a laugh.

“What are you and Fluffy arguing over?” Topher asks, passing me a beer as he comes back in from the kitchen.

“We’re not arguing.” I shove the beer back at him, and Topher chuckles but dutifully snaps the can open for me. “However, Fluffy is upset that Seb is upstairs with Maia and Phoebe, and we’re stuck down here working.”

Topher nods, handing me the can once more. I take a sip, before putting it down on the coffee table, and start typing once more. Topher comes and sits on the sofa with me and levels me with a weird look.

I mean, to be fair, the look isn’t the weird thing. It’s his face.

“In a problematic way or a needy way?” Topher’s words are as caring as they can be, and I roll my eyes at the soppiness of it all.

“Topher really would be the den mother if he wasn’t an Alpha,” Fluffy says. “Do you think if we pretend we’re jealous of Seb, he’ll give us more time with our mate and pup?”

I smirk. “Doubt it. He’d probably make us spend more time with them, bonding and talking about our families.”

I turn my attention to Topher as I close out of the website I was on. “Needy. We’re not getting jealous over our brothers, Toph, don’t worry. We’ve all got our roles in her life, and I know mine.”

“Do you?” Fluffy asks, and I frown at the emotional tinge of his words.

“We’re not getting jealous, are we?” I demand.

“No. But I do wish I was upstairs with her. I do not want to kick Seb out of the bed.”

“Orion sometimes gets mad at you all,” Topher says. There’s a fond expression on his face as he thinks about his wolf, or our mate, or a combination of them both. I narrow my eyes as I take in the ease and contentment.

“He’s probably thinking about the way he masturbates with Orion,” Fluffy says dryly. “The big question is whose name Topher calls out. Maia’s or Orion’s.”

“I guarantee he’s done both.” I hide my laughter, and Fluffy’s amusement makes the situation even funnier.

My wolf is smart enough to give me some privacy while I tend to my needs. I do the same when we’re in wolf form, letting him have time to lick himself and hump some trees.

“I prefer bushes.”

I laugh, and Topher throws a glare my way. I forgot he was even talking, to be honest.

“It’s not because he’s jealous, Ben. It’s just because sometimes, well,” Topher rubs the back of his neck, pink tinging his cheeks. “He thinks you’re better than me at wooing her.”

“Wooing?” I ask with as straight a face as I can manage. Fluffy’s uncontrollable, his hysterics causing our bond to light up with glee.

Topher rolls his eyes and sips at his beer. “You know what I mean.”

“No, Toph, I don’t.” I plaster on the biggest confused expression I can and lean towards him, dropping my voice low. “What does this wooing business concern?”

“Oh, fuck off.” My brother chuckles as Alex comes back into the room with Ryan’s box of things. He puts it on the table before heading up the stairs. We never did hand it over to our parents, and I’ve scoured the things a couple of times over the last few weeks. There’s not much there, nothing that can really help me figure out what Ryan’s plans have been.

He was at uni, got good grades, had Maia and his perfect little life, all out of the spotlight. Alone as far as I could see. And yet, he’s been having secret meetings and working for private organisations.

I wish the bastard was one of the standard idiotic villains who wrote down their plan in monologue form, outlining all his backstory and his future, which would let us figure out exactly what he was doing. Alas, I’ve found barely fucking anything.
