Page 112 of Baby's First Howl

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I’ve got the company—Fresh Fur Creations—under constant monitoring, and nobody can even buy stock in the company without me getting an alert. Sadly, I’ve not seen much of anything coming from them. At least, nothing that seems sketchy off the bat. It’s pissing me off.

I need more hours in the day, and I’d be unstoppable.

Ten dedicated purely to my mate. I can love her. Spend time with her. Maybe even convince her to let me do some... wooing.

Ten hours specifically to engage with Phoebe. I need her to understand I am the best of her dads. One is dead. One is too stern, one is too boring, and one is too... ugly, which leaves me. The best dad. The fun dad. The most handsome dad.

I’ll need five purely for eating and taking care of myself. This body does not create the beautiful sight that Maia adores without a little bit of effort.

“My effort,” Fluffy drawls. “More often than not, it’s me who is forced to go to the gym.”

“It works out your... aggression,” I counter, smirking.

“Soon enough, I’ll have a mate that will soothe away the aggression,” Fluffy says, excitement thrumming through him and me. “And then you can go to the gym yourself. I’ll be saving all of my strength for our darling mate.”

I snort.

“Something funny?” Topher asks with a frown.

I forgot he was there. Again. He’s just not stimulating enough when he’s in this kind of mood. Reflective, annoyed, drained... boring.

“Just Fluffy.” I turn back to my laptop and open up the website I was working on gaining access to.

I’ve been slowly compiling information from everyone at the company and cross-referencing their information with things we know about Ryan. It’s so far been a pretty dead end, but I’ve still got a few names to run.

I’ve not been digging into his death much, but now it’s important that I do figure out exactly what happened. For Maia’s sake, but for ours, too.

If my mother is found to have killed without a legal reason... our pack will be turned over to my brother’s and I.

We’ll be in a better position to protect Phoebe, and we’ll be able to provide Maia with a safe and large environment.

“Do you think there really was footage?” I murmur, my eyes raking across the screen.

“It would be hard for it not to exist,” Alex muses. He’s changed clothes and comes to sit on the armchair. “He lived in pretty public human areas, and there likely would have been security footage, even from a shop or some shit. Someone, somewhere, will have evidence of it.”

“Then I need to start digging properly,” I mutter. I zone out the debates Alex and Topher are having, and instead, get to work.

Every so often, Fluffy pipes up with something that helps, but for the most part, it’s just me, and my computer, and a whole fucking lot of nothing.

I groan, spotting that it’s nearly midnight, and stretch my arms, cracking my back. I need a minute.

Or ten.

“You okay?” Alex asks, peering over the laptop he’s working on to raise an eyebrow at me. I nod. “Good. I’ve managed to schedule a meeting with all three of the family lawyers for Maia, so hopefully, we’ll be able to move forward.”

“Good, good,” I say before groaning.

All at once, we’re hit with a pang of rage from Seb, and freeze. He’s upstairs with Maia and Phoebe, and yet, the anger raging through him is so intense it causes me to worry. What the fuck is going on?

“Go to mate! Find mate! Mate hurt!” Fluffy roars, begging for me to move from the sofa. The weight of Seb’s anger is like a crushing weight, dragging me down. I’m struggling to push it away and remember it’s not mine.

Topher and Alex aren’t struggling like I am, and Topher lets out a growl, snarling at Alex who has jumped up to go and do something.

“Breathe,” Fluffy soothes, trying his best to soothe me through our bond.

The issue is that I’m too weak to fight off Seb’s connection, I’m drowning under his feelings, that I can’t acknowledge my own. I can’t function.

I’m so fucking pathetic.

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