Page 116 of Baby's First Howl

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“Are you okay?” Ben asks, kicking my leg to get my attention. I wince, since he managed to kick my shin bone right in the middle, and it’s stinging. He flinches, genuine upset filling his features. “I am extremely sorry, darling. I meant to nudge you, not kick.”

“It’s fine,” I say, waving off his concerns.

Seb told his brothers about me seeing “Ryan” at some point last night once I was asleep, so I woke up to a huge ambush from Topher. He not only spent the night preparing his argument, but he seemed to come up with every counterargument I may have and argued that side of things before I could. He was pleasantly surprised when I apologised and eagerly accepted it.

Ben, on the other hand, wasn't just upset with me. He was sad I didn’t trust him and worried for me. I’ve tried to spend more time with him this afternoon whilst he worked, just to give him some company, so if he did want to talk, he could.

He has. A lot.

“Are you sure?” He crouches down to look at my shin and grimaces despite the fact that there’s not even a red mark. “Let me kiss it better, for you.”

I cover the shin with my hand and laugh, waving him off again. “You don’t need to. Get up, it’s fine. I’m fine.”

We’re in the living room and sharing the large sofa together. Clearly, I wasn’t giving Ben the right amount of attention because he felt the need to resort to such drastic measures to get my attention.

The dirty look Ben levels me with has stunned me for a moment, thinking I’m here with Topher instead.

“No. I hurt you, darling, so I will make it better.” He gently takes my hand in his and presses a soft kiss to the palm of it before pressing another kiss to my shin. “I’m sorry.”


“You could’ve got so much more out of me from down here than a little kiss for your shin,” Ben says, wiggling his brows at me. I groan, and he rises from the floor, pulling me with him. He steps closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I press my hands against his chest, rubbing against the softness of his shirt, loving the business look on him. “I would’ve done so, so much down there with my mouth.”

“I’m sure that you could have,” I say, smirking at him.

“Topher might have first claim on your cunt, baby girl, but the rest of you is up for grabs.” I freeze, and he groans. “I think I messed up.”

“Oh?” I can’t help that my tone is frosty, not when he’s talking about my body parts and assigning them to his brothers as if I don’t even get a say on what he can do.

Sure, Topher and I have made leaps and strides in our relationship compared to the first few days, but that doesn’t mean the man has first claim to my vagina.

I am the only one who gets to decide what happens to my body and when.

“Um.” Ben looks up at me, biting his lip in an adorable way that doesn’t change my annoyance.

“How can you be this clueless?” I sigh, laying my head back onto the cushions, as a flash of hurt fills his face. “You’re not being sweet or sexy by talking that way. My body is mine, and if I want to have sex with you, or Alex, or Seb first, then I will. Topher does not get to claim first use of my body, no matter what you lot seem to think.”

Ben sighs, and he seems frustrated with me as if I’m the one who is out of line here. “It’s the way of the harem, darling. Topher must claim you first or our bond will not be able to form as a group. It must be done in order or the claim will be invalid and may not be accepted for each of us.”

“Claim me or have sex with me?” I ask, reaching up to rub at my neck.

“They usually happen at the same time.” Ben’s eyes widen, and he grins up at me, his hazel eyes so bright as if I’ve genuinely fixed all the problems in his world. “But you might’ve found a loophole.”

“Oh, wow, a loophole to provide me with body autonomy,” I drawl. He smirks and drops a kiss to my thigh.

I gulp, and he rises up on his knees, somehow now head to head with me, and he closes in, my breath unsteady, but instead of kissing me, he tucks my hair behind my ears, sending a shiver wracking through me.

“Oh, what have we got here?” one of the men says, coming into the room. I don’t look away from Ben, whose nostrils flare, and annoyance flashes in his eyes before he plasters a smile on his face.

“Nothing,” Ben says with a sigh. He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead before grabbing the notebook from the table that he wanted to begin with. “But I’m glad you’re back, Toph. Where the fuck is Ryan’s diary? I meant to ask last night, but we got a little”—he glances at me, before looking back up at Topher—“distracted.”

It doesn’t take a genius to work out what he got distracted with.

“His diary?” I hear an incredulous note in Topher’s voice and whirl around to see the eldest Wolfe brother.

He’s surprisingly not wearing a suit today, which is very rare. He’s wearing a pair of light grey shorts that hang just above his knees. They’re baggy, not clinging to him like his usual preferred ones. He’s got a black T-shirt on with large wet spots under his armpits.
