Page 13 of Baby's First Howl

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“She’s my baby,” I say with a raised eyebrow. He doesn’t acknowledge my words at all.

“Can we talk about the blood now?” he asks, and I groan. “What?”

“Can you just not point it out?” He shakes his head, ignoring my exasperation. It seems Seb’s the type to ignore what he doesn’t like hearing. “Women bleed after giving birth. A shit tonne. It’s normal, and I’m fine.”

“This embarrasses you.”

“That a random, hot guy I’ve just met is asking about my postpartum bleeding? Yep. It’s very embarrassing.”

He laughs, tucking my hair behind my ear as Phoebe starts to drift off to sleep. I’m a big fan of contact napping when I can get away with it, but it’s a lot harder to do as a single parent. Being here, with people around and no chores to do, well, I’m not going to give it up.

“She shifted earlier,” he says, and whilst it should be a question, it’s not.


“I can only imagine how scary that was for you.”

“Terrifying, more like,” I whisper. “I called the police, frantic, because I thought she was stolen and some cruel person replaced her with a wolf.”

Seb growls, and Phoebe lets out some kind of adorable gargle. I lean forward, kissing her head, but it’s clear Seb’s reaction hasn’t upset her or even woke her.

“It’s insane that she can shift at this age,” I add, and he smiles.

“Normally, werewolf babies have werewolf mothers,” he says with a shrug. “She can shift and tend to her baby’s needs that way. The form doesn’t matter because the parent can adapt to whatever their babe needs.”

“So, you’re saying I’m not suited to be her mum.” Another non-question question.

“I’m saying that she needs more than just you right now,” he says softly. His hazel eyes are gorgeous, and up close, I can see the bright green flecks in them. His eyes change colour faster than his mood. “But luckily, now, she has that.”

“I don’t understand.”

He smiles, and I return it hesitantly. “We’ll explain it soon. Just give us some time to come to terms with it.” He blinks, and the intensity is gone. “The house is going to be very full with people in a few minutes.”

“I’m very overwhelmed,” I reveal, and I glance down at Phoebe. She’s still latched, doing the occasional suckle in her sleep. I’m not very willing to move her.

“My other brothers—Alex and Topher—are about to arrive. My sisters will be here along with my dads shortly.”

Christopher and Alexander. Topher and Alex.

“Is that, um, common in wolves?” I whisper, trying to not be rude, and he raises an eyebrow. “ Multiple parents?”

“Multiples are quite common in male wolves, and those with the sibling bond tend to form a harem, focusing around their mate,” he says, shrugging. “It’s the norm for us.”

“I see.” But once again, I don’t.

Phoebe unlatches, and Seb’s eyes zone in on my nipple. Men and boobs, I swear.

“Do you want me to take her?” he asks, and I can sense him itching to actually do it.

“You and Ben both called me mate earlier, and I’m guessing you don’t mean it in the friendship kind of way when you explained about soulmates,” I say instead of answering him, and he sighs and shakes his head. I get Phoebe settled on my chest before fixing my top. It’s a nipple, and it’s for feeding my baby. I won’t be ashamed about it hanging loose whilst I get her sorted. “Do you want to elaborate on that?”

“Once we’re all here, we can. It’s Topher’s job as the first born,” he says, and I nod. Because, sure, that makes sense. “Were you alone when you gave birth?”


He lets out a massive growl that sends tingles through me. “I hate that. Mum said… she said that Phoebe’s biological dad is dead.”

“Yes.” When did Julie say that to him? I’ve been in the room since the moment they’ve arrived, and not once has she mentioned anything like that.
