Page 138 of Baby's First Howl

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Seb sits up, a smirk appearing on his face. “Tongue.”

Ben shrieks and races out the room, causing me to laugh. Phoebe’s eyes fly open, and I smile down at her.

“Silly Daddy Ben,” I murmur, and coincidentally, I’m sure, she nods back at me as if she completely agrees. “I knew you were my favourite.”

“No scents today.”

I frown over at Seb, tilting my head. “I’m sorry, what? Who has no scents?”

His eyes flash green for a second, and he gets up off the floor to take the spot that Ben was just in. “The pack is safe, little mate. We ran patrols and reinforced the scent mark around our home. You are safe. No bad scents, no weird scents.”

“I’m glad.” Phoebe grabs my finger, squeezing it as her eyes fall shut once more, and my own tiredness takes hold. “Can you do me a favour?”

He nods.

“Can you clear the nappy stuff out of her cot? I’m going to try and grab a nap whilst she does,” I say through my yawn. “I’m wrecked.”

“Sleep.” He nods, his word a demand, as he gets up to clear the cot for me. “Good girl.”

I don’t know why I’m a good girl, but the words most definitely send tingles through me.


“Maia’s exhausted.”

Seb’s words are said so heavily as if the fact that our mate is up multiple times a night, every single night, as she tends to our pup is a pain on his soul.

“So am I,” Ben says. He fakes a yawn, rubbing at his eyes. “I was up?—”

“Your one night does not compare,” I say, cutting my brother off. I turn to Seb, raising an eyebrow. “Your point?”

“She’s napping.”

How Alex is escaping dealing with both Seb and Ben today is beyond me. I had a pack meeting this morning and handled a meeting with one of our stockholders, whilst he’s hidden with his laptop and avoiding everything else.

I would do anything for my brothers, but on a day like today, where they’re both so much more uptight than usual, I can’t be fucked.

“They’re fucking idiots,” Orion huffs. “I say we take Maia and Phoebe and fuck the rest of the world off. We’ll be perfectly happy on an island that nobody can enter. They’d both be safe, and happy, and I’d be more than enough for them both.”

“You would be.”

“Don’t patronise me.” My wolf growls at me, and I roll my eyes.

“Your idea has merit, though.”

“What part?”

I smirk. “No need to be so sceptical.” I look around at my brothers, a plan starting to formulate. “We take our girls out on a date. Just the three of us.”

“Wining and dining before completing our bond? I can get on board with that,” Orion says excitedly. He’s practically salivating at the thought of it. No, it’s worse than that.

I shut my eyes as the imagery he is building floats over my brain. The positions he’s imagining her in, the scenes... they’re fucking twisted. Hot, but...

I can practically smell her, his pictures are that vivid.

My jeans are tight over my cock, so painful, that as my erection grows, it fucking stings as it presses against them. I clench my fists, holding back the urge to... well, to do what, I have no idea.

Race upstairs and bond her?

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