Page 155 of Baby's First Howl

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And how can I deny his love, how can I deny my worth, when I can feel the depth of his devotion?

Every single glance, every single act, every single promise he’s made, and I understand why.

Christopher Wolfe loves me. Undoubtedly. Wholeheartedly.

And it seems, I love him just the same.

“So what happens now?” I whisper, scared to break the trance. I need time, I think, to figure out how I feel without being overwhelmed by his feelings.

They’re so distinguishable from mine, but… it’s an extra weight I don’t want to carry.

“Nothing. Nothing needs to change.” He gives me a soft smile, an almost sad look to it. “I’m yours, and one day, you’ll be ready to let me make you mine, too.”

“Some day, soon,” I say softly. “I’m just still learning about this world, and I need more time. Selfishly, I know?—”

“You are the least selfish person I know. You give and give and give some more. Hell, your entire fucking career is based on you giving away funds and support.”

“I love my job,” I nuzzle into him, pressing a kiss to his neck. “And I love you.”

“I love you too, princess. More than anything,” he says, pressing his forehead to mine. “Thank you.”


“Trusting me. Letting me lead. Giving in, in the most beautiful way.”

“Maybe…” I lick my lips, my tongue darting across his, too, with the closeness. “Maybe I might be a little submissive.”

He snorts. “No maybe about it.”

I reach out and squeeze his nipple, causing him to groan, but I can feel his amusement with my new secret spying senses.

“I know we should have the emotional chat,” I say, pressing my chest to Topher’s.

“Yes?” he asks.

“But…” I trail off, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Maybe we could do something else instead?”

He smirks, presses his lips to mine, and I make it very clear what I want to do next.




There’s a gentle knock on the door, and I still don’t understand how that works with the soundproofing that is in place. My eyes fly open, and I turn to see Topher laid next to me.

I can feel the contentment running through him, a very luminescent silver mark on his collarbone from where I bit him earlier, and a soft expression on his face.

It feels nice. I’ve not been asleep, just dozing, taking comfort after the orgasms he blessed me with. The bond heightened the effects, and I truly did submit this time, letting Topher lead it all.

He made me feel amazing.

There’s a second knock, and I move to get up, knowing it’s got to be important. Topher places his hand on my chest to stop me getting up, and the door pushes open.

A familiar head peeks around the corner, a non-judgemental expression on Alex’s face as he grins at me. “Little butterfly, Phoebe’s stirring, and she’ll be up soon. She’ll likely be wanting you for milk.”

“Coming.” My voice is hoarse, and I bend down to grab my dress from the ground. I feel a bit weird about going through with Alex now, considering what Topher and I just experienced.
