Page 159 of Baby's First Howl

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“Of course.” My words are soft, but his happiness is loud.

Phoebe finishes at some point during my drowsiness, and Alex and Topher get her into her own bed as I nestle into the middle of mine.

My eyes are shut, and I’m asleep before either man curls in beside me, but I’ve never felt so secure in doing so before tonight.

My future is bright… once we figure out the rest of our issues, that is.


“He marked her!” Max roars.

I shake my head, able to fully see Maia’s collarbone. Topher’s traditional. He’d mark her there. Her skin is perfect but empty. “He has not marked her.”

“I can smell the bond.”

I eye up Topher as Maia dozes, and I smother my gasp as he drags his shirt down so I can see the mark on his skin.

“Fuck,” I whisper over Max’s whines of jealousy.

Topher brings his finger to his lip, and I nod once.

“We’re not done talking about this,” I warn.

He rolls his eyes, letting go of his shirt. “I didn’t realise we had started.”

I snort and connect with Ben and Seb to let them know a conversation is coming the moment Maia is asleep. I want a play-by-play, and honestly, I want to know how it all feels.

Seb’s a selfish prick who gave only one word when we probed about it. Honey.

Fucking prick.

Topher smirks at me as Maia sleepily hands over our daughter. I take her as Maia snuggles into bed, and we get Phoebe settled in her crib.

She’s just as exhausted as her mum, and I hope for Maia’s sake that Phoebe decides to sleep through the night.

We tiptoe out of the room and head down into the living room, where Ben and Seb are already waiting.

“Why the fuck wasn’t I invited to the corridor fuck?” Ben demands, no tact in his tone.

“Seconded.” Max sits up, paying more attention to the conversation. “We heard it, but I’d rather have felt it.”

Topher snarls, glaring at our brother, and I grab his shirt to hold him back, keeping a tight grip so that he stops.

“Maia mated with Topher,” I say, causing Ben to freeze and Topher to growl with pride. “Our brother is a little overprotective of our mate right now.”

“So rather than call it a fuck, I should’ve said why wasn’t I invited to the romantic and sweet coupling in the corridor.”

“Don’t be a dick or I’ll let him hit you,” I mutter, rolling my eyes.

“You should just hit him yourself,” Max sniffs.

I roll my eyes once more, dropping down to the sofa. “I didn’t realise she was ready.”

“Neither did I,” Topher says, sitting down as well. Seb offers us both a can, but I shake my head, as does Topher. “I want a clear head.”

“Did she say she was?” Ben asks curiously.

Topher shakes his head. “No. She admitted she wasn’t, and when we talked about it a little afterwards, she reiterated the fact that she wasn’t ready.”
