Page 160 of Baby's First Howl

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“Did you talk about it?” I ask.

He sighs. “Not really. Briefly. She needs time to process. I could feel her unease over it.”

“The bond is fully formed then?” Ben asks.

“No,” Max says, just as Topher echoes it.

“Not yet. It’s there. It’s open, and pretty strong, but it’s not complete.” He looks at me. “I need to mark her, too.”

“She’s not meant to mark you first.” Ben’s tone is full of his confusion, and I know that he’s struggling with the change in the usual order of things. “You’re meant to mark her, and then we do to seal it properly.”

“I think the fact that she marked him first will still cement the bond properly with us all,” I say, slowly, because I’ve been wondering the same thing. I reach forward, ignoring Topher’s scowl, and yank his shirt down, showing the silver mark on his skin.

It’s beautiful, and apparently sensitive because he shudders when Ben reaches out to touch it. I wonder what Maia feels, since this is her claim.

“It’s beautiful,” Ben murmurs before sneering at Topher. “You’re ugly, and your chest is hideous, but the mark is nice.”

Seb snorts. “Pretty Topher.”

“Oh, fuck you.” There’s no heat in his words.

“Fate wouldn’t have formed the bond if the intention wasn’t there. Maia followed the customs. She marked the first born, she wanted the bond, she wanted him, but she also accepts us.

“She chose our bond, and she managed to make it form. It’s nothing to be concerned about, in my opinion.”

“And you’re… what, an expert in bonds?” Topher asks, and whilst he’s sneering at me, I can sense his unease.

More than that—when I push past him, I can feel Maia.

“No, of course not. But I can feel Maia along our shared bond,” I mention, and both Ben and Seb reach out to do the same.

“Mate!” Max’s shout is joyous as he pulls on her bond. She’s asleep, content, warm. I love the feel of her, even this minutely, and I can’t fucking wait for the day that our bond is sealed.

Seb’s lips quirk up, and I know she’s never going to get a moment of peace from him. Ben beams, pure joy radiating from my youngest brother.

“I can feel her, too.” He pats Topher’s knee. “Good job.”

“Ah, ah,” I say teasingly. “Decent job.”

Seb and I laugh as Ben frowns.

“How was it?” Ben asks. “Did it… was it good?”

Topher grins and nods. “The best thing ever.”

“The bond or the fuck?” Ben asks.

Topher rolls his eyes as I snicker.

“The act of making love, obviously,” Topher says, rolling his eyes. “It was… weird, but so fucking good.”

“Weird how?”

“It’s very hot. Like hot.” He shakes his head, bringing his legs up on the sofa, and we all get comfortable with him. “But it felt fucking amazing. She was tight, responsive… she submitted to me, letting me take control, even though she has more experience.”

“Good mate,” Seb says with a nod.

“I don’t want to take control.” Ben frowns, looking around. “Do I need to?”
