Page 169 of Baby's First Howl

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“What’s wrong?” I look around, but the sock is still there, and I can’t see what would be the issue.

“Milk time.” His tone is pitiful, and I burst into giggles. “You traitor!”

“Well, it seems fitting that she’d choose my boobs over you after you chose a sock over me. Now, off you go. I’ve got a headache to nurse.”

He rolls his eyes but gently passes Phoebe over before readying me with all the supplies I need. I don’t often use my nursing pillow—it gets in the way more than it helps—but he sticks it underneath me, and I lay her on it. He hands me a cookie and places my juice on my side table before leaving.

He’s so thoughtful sometimes. I never need to ask—not with him, or any of his brothers—for help, or even just for the obscure little bits that I need.

I get Phoebe settled as Ben pops his head in and throws another pair of socks onto the bed. Warmer ones, and I roll my eyes before he’s gone.

He’s a dick. Funny, cute, adorable… but the biggest dick.

It’s weird that I like it.

Iscoop Phoebe up from the bed, and the two of us head downstairs to join the guys. I’m not sure what time their family is coming over, but Phoebe should have a decent wake window here and should get a good forty-minutes or so of play.

“What time are—” I come to a stop, seeing one of their twin sisters already sitting in the living room. She’s on the long sofa with Alex, and I grin at her. “Hi.”

I hold a tense smile as I come to a stop in the doorway, and I try my hardest to not feel weird when she gives me an assessing look up and down. I don’t want Topher feeling my unease, but I also don’t understand why I feel this way.

Her long blonde hair is in a high ponytail, and her hazel eyes are narrowed into slits. There’s an almost smirk on her face, and I have to hold myself from stepping back. She’s got a full face of makeup, all beautifully done, and is wearing a tight, pink blouse with some fitted trousers.

She’s clearly just come over from work, which hopefully, is why she’s feeling a little… rude.

“Maia, come sit,” Alex says, grinning at me. There’s a calmness to his voice, and I desperately need that right now, so I don’t hesitate in nodding as I enter the room properly.

“Iris was nice enough to grace us with her presence early,” Topher says, and his sister laughs.

“I tried closing the door on her,” Ben says, winking at me. I laugh, but it quickly tapers off when nobody else joins in with me. It only makes the temperature drop, the atmosphere much more awkward.

“I just came over after I finished work. There was little point heading home, to then have to come straight back over here.” Iris’s tone is very monotonous as she continues to stare me down. I nod, having guessed that. “My boys will be heading over soon, though.”

“It’s no stress. We’re so glad to see you,” I say with a smile. I head over to Phoebe’s mat, which is in the middle of the room, and gently place her on it. I take the offered toys from Ben and set them up around her before taking my spot near Alex.

“She’s getting bigger.” Iris’s tone is quite bland as she looks at Phoebe, and I try to smooth out my frown.

The last time she saw Phoebe was seven weeks ago. Of course, she’s gotten bigger.

I’m happy to tolerate the rudeness towards me, but I do not appreciate the way she’s looking at my daughter.

“She can already roll over,” Ben says, sticking his tongue out at his sister. I love how excited he is when he shares this. I know if I could feel his emotions like I can Topher’s that he’d be actually lit up in joy.

Iris harrumphs, scrunching her nose up as if that is not a good thing.

Ben notices, and his tone is dangerous as he says, “Don’t be jealous of my daughter, Iris.”

“Well, she’s not really your daughter, is she?” Iris mutters, crossing her arms in front of her chest. I freeze as three growls are levelled her way. She flinches, her face paling, even under the makeup. “That is not what I meant.”

“But it is what you said, sister,” Alex says, tightening his hold on me. He’s trying to be soothing. Max’s low grumbles combined with the sparks usually do work. Right now, though, my blood is so cold I think I may develop hypothermia.

Alex levels Iris with an undecipherable look. “Maia is ours, and that is enough to make Phoebe ours. Do not disrespect my mate or daughter like that.”

“But more than that, our wolves have bonded. The claim is there, as you know.” Unlike Alex, Topher’s tone is completely hostile. “You owe my mate an apology for the rudeness.”

Iris’s back stiffens, and she’s gaping at Topher. I can feel the anger he’s feeling, but more than that is the disappointment. He’s weighed down by it, and on the offensive, as he gives his sister a stern look.

He’s not impressed, and I can feel his anger building as the seconds tick by.
