Page 183 of Baby's First Howl

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I laugh but nod. “Really. You guys will be fine.”

I’m so exhausted, I can’t really fight it. They’re going to take her for a short drive as they go to the offices. Topher’s going to stay there and get some work done in an effort to calm his anger at his parents, delaying their trip a little to return later today.

But after two nights of rubbish sleep—even if I got some help in the early hours this morning—I need a nap.

“I’ve got her,” Alex says, wrapping his arms around me. He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, and we wave off my mates and daughter.

“I thought I’d be nervous,” I say softly.

“And are you?” he asks.

I shake my head. “Not really. I miss her and feel a little bad that she’s not with me. But I know she’s with her daddies and will be okay. They can handle her, and I don’t need to worry.”

“Your trust means so fucking much,” Alex says, squeezing me tightly.

I turn in his arms, looking up at him with a big smile. “And your love and support means so much more. I trust you because you’ve earned it. You’re worthy of it. You’ll never know how much that means to me.”

We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, the silver flecks in his hazel eyes seeming to swirl around, and it’s like time has completely paused outside of our little bubble.

Alex leans down and kisses me gently, his hand brushing through my hair as he does so. "Let's get some rest, okay? The others will be back soon, and I don’t want your brain worrying.”

I groan, taking his offered hand as we head up the stairs. “My brain only worries when there’s something to worry over. The fact that an anxiety attack threatens to overtake me at the mere thought of your parents…”

“That’s tomorrow’s worry. Today, just let us keep your mind worry free.”

I’m trying.

He pushes the door to my bedroom open, but rather than stopping in the room, I go straight through to the bathroom and get myself sorted.

Once I’ve had my wee, I join him in the bedroom, grinning at how he’s already dimmed the entire room and is lounging in my bed.

He lifts an eyebrow, looking up at me with that smirk that always manages to set my heart aflutter. "You don’t look like someone who is carefree."

“Shut up.” I mumble my words, climbing on the bed with him. “I’m not worried.”

“A master of denial, it seems.” His tone is teasing, and as he tucks me under the duvet and rolls onto his side, I reach out and flick his chest.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Alex grabs my wrists, the tight hold sending shivers down my spine as my core clenches in anticipation. “You, my little butterfly, are a menace. Close your eyes, stop talking, and go to sleep. We both know that sleep is what you need right now.”

"You're right," I say, nuzzling my head into his neck. "I'll try to let go of my worries for today.”

It’s just easier said than done.

His hands move under my baggy shirt, trailing up and down my back. Sparks are forming along the trail, and I shiver at each pass.

“I love you.” He brushes a soft kiss to my forehead, and I sigh into his hold, murmuring the words back.

We fall to a silence, my brain calming with each of his touches, the quiet of the outside starting to match the inside. It’s a nice kind of silence. The softness of our breaths, the niceness of his hold on me.

It’s soothing.

And I truly relax.

I press myself closer to him, and my brain comes back to life the moment I feel his hardness pressing against me.

“You’re feeling a little… off.” Alex’s words are almost amused as his touches become a little firmer.

“Feeling or smelling?” I mumble.
