Page 199 of Baby's First Howl

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His words send a shiver down my spine, and heat forms inside me.

I laugh. “Honestly, babe, I think she is the concern about sharing when it comes to my boobs.”

He smirks. “I can take my baby.”

I groan, reaching out to shove him. “We’re not talking about this anymore.”

“If you say so.” He turns and presses a soft kiss to my forehead, and I relax in his hold. “She still out?”

I nod. “How much longer are we going to have to sit out here whilst they... have their discussion?”

“Act like immature children, you mean?” Ben asks, and I nod. He sighs. “Wolves are very, very protective of their mates, as you know. The moment Seb growled at my mum, my dads lost their rationality, and with the rage Topher’s in, it’s clearly not going very well.”

“How do you know it’s not going well?”

“Because I know them. They’re going to still be fighting, battling for dominance and trying to establish the alpha. Once that’s happened, they’ll be able to move on to productive conversations. We need one of them to give in so they can all calm down.”

“So, how long will it take for that to happen?” I ask.

He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he unconsciously pulls me closer to him. “Depends. Topher’s rightfully pissed off, and Charles and Edward are raging at George so their wolves will be up for a fight, too. Honestly, if there wasn’t the, you know, I’d be tempted to drop you girls off at home and watch the bloodshed.”

He rubs his hands together like a manic little villain. “It would be amazing.”

I don’t feel as overjoyed as my mate does. Not even a little bit. My concerns are more on the line about if his mum actually did kill my fiancé, and if so, what do we do from here?

“Do you think she really did try to kill him?” I whisper, scared to voice the words too loudly.

That makes them real.

Ben shrugs, and I can sense his intrigue as he considers it properly. “Probably. She’s not a liar. A murderer, apparently, but definitely not a liar. If she said she did it, well, she probably did.”

He doesn’t sound very cut up over this.

“Lovely.” My heart hammers away in my chest, and I hate that Phoebe’s listening to the erratic sound. She doesn’t deserve to feel my stress, not over this. Ryan was her dad, and I hate that her family—his family—have done something this horrific.

“I—” I start to admonish Ben, but I’m cut off by the way my bonds electrify. There’s an almost audible crackle in the air as the energy around us seems to shift and intensify. There’s a strong presence in my chest, burning and growing, attached to my three werewolf men.

Ben moans, dropping from the chair to the ground in a kneeling position, his eyes bright blue, as his hands shift into their wolf claws. He drags them through the dry mud.

The change in the bond is clearly something that’s affecting him a lot deeper than it’s affecting me.

“Ben,” I gasp, reaching for my mate, but he throws his head back, letting out a very loud howl. I snap my head to look at the back door, but nobody comes out.

His body shudders as another howl leaves him, and I back away from him, not sure what’s happening.

Phoebe’s eyes fly open, and I look down at her as she lets out her own howl. Her eyes are the bright, luminous grey as she throws her head back against the carrier.

My heart is racing, not sure what is happening with my men, but then all of a sudden, it cuts off. Phoebe lets out an adorable yawn before cuddling back into me and going to sleep.

Ben jumps up to his feet, beaming as he turns to me. There’s an excited energy racing through him, pure pride floating through the bond. “Things are looking up, baby girl.”

“They are?” I ask, nowhere near on his energy level. I feel shaky and nervous, despite the way my body has relaxed. He nods, bouncing on the heels of his feet as if he can’t contain the energy that’s thrumming through him.

“Come sit,” he commands, and something in me obeys. I move back to sit down, cuddling into him, and I’m not sure I’m brave enough to ask what has just happened.

It feels like a good thing, across my bonds and in the changes with Ben, but the lack of understanding terrifies me. The way it drew from my sleeping baby, it can’t have been something positive, right?

Ben and I sit there together, looking over at the tree that rustles in the wind, the clouds slowly moving across the sky, and just take comfort in each other. I use the sound of his heart to calm my own. I mimic his breathing and even steal his warmth.
