Page 20 of Baby's First Howl

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Never stops me from arguing back, though.

“I do,” Maia says primly. My wolf howls in my mind, and I’m just as proud of my mate for standing up to my mum. “But these questions are about Ryan, to protect Phoebe, not me.”

“Yes, you’re right,” my mum says, bristling at Maia’s shut down. “Excuse my interruption, dear.”

Maia nods, but her face clearly says my mum is not forgiven. “Ryan was in my year at university, and we met during freshers week. We moved in together near the end of our first year. As far as I’m aware, we had a normal and human relationship. I had no idea about the supernatural, and no idea about his werewolf side or his pack life.”

The questions continue, ranging from his favourite place to go to what colour eyes he had. Maia was meticulous in answering, and it drives my wolf crazy knowing she knows another man more than she knows us.

That she loves another man more than she loves us.

“Did he ever attend events without you?” my mum asks. “These events would’ve been at least once a month and usually at a large gathering of sorts.”

Every wolf must attend at least one pack event per month as a way of checking in with our leaders. This is one of the most common rules a pack would have because it helps us remain grounded.

We need to be around our kind or our wolves begin to struggle. It’s one of the most common reasons that you get kicked out of a pack and made a rogue—it’s for your protection and that of the pack.

“Not that I know of, but we were our own people. He was allowed a life beyond me,” she replies tersely.

But why would he want one?

Why wouldn’t he want to spend every single moment with her?

“Because he is worthless,” Max says, and I nod in agreement. “He was a terrible man, and not worthy to be her mate or Phoebe’s dad.”

“Phoebe and Maia will never ever worry where our attentions may lie. They’ll wake up each and every day knowing they’ll be treated like the princesses they are,” I vow.

“It’s about time the Wolfe wolves were off the market,” Max says. “I’m excited to finally feel the touch of a woman.”

“You and me both,” I mutter, before cutting our connection off.

“I’ve got a box at home of his belongings that I can go through and see if there’s anything helpful there. When I get home tonight, I’ll get it sorted for you,” Maia says, and my mum thanks her.

Topher and I exchange a look, and we silently agree that we’ll be going through that box before our parents even get a look at it. Information is power, and I refuse to give my parents any more.

“I’ll pack it up for you,” Topher says firmly, and Maia’s dark eyebrows shoot up her forehead. “You will head to our home and get yourself and Phoebe situated. It’s already late, and you both need your sleep.”

“Hang on a second—” she starts, her anger rising once more. It’s a beautiful sight, the way her cheeks redden and she readies herself physically for a fight.

I might love it a little less when I’m the one on her bad side, but I don’t ever intend on that being the case.

“Do not argue with me,” Topher snarls, and our mate is forced under the weight of his dominance. I cringe, knowing this is going to upset our mate, but I also know we can’t stop Topher.

My wolf whines at seeing the choice stripped away from her, even if a small part of us both loves the idea of her and Phoebe coming home with us.

Maia is a human, and they’re weaker than us werewolves. Even without our enhanced strength and extra abilities—our animal magnetism cannot be denied, and she’s forced to succumb to whatever we demand.

It’s something we’d never use in the deplorable way some of our brethren may act but only in the big instances where we need her to follow our command.

I, personally, don’t think this is one of them. But we can get her out of here, and then argue about it until the sun comes up.

Not least of all because none of us can stand up to Topher in front of our mum.

We need to get Maia and Phoebe out of here, explain what we can, and find a way to get the pack from my parents.

Because if we can’t… Phoebe might become an orphan, and we’ll lose her forever.

