Page 200 of Baby's First Howl

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“Hey,” one of the guys calls. The words travel in the wind, and I turn and see Alex standing in the doorway at the back door. His shirt has a rip across his stomach area, and rather than showing off honeyed skin, there’s dried blood. I gasp, clutching Phoebe closer to me, as I take in the paler than usual skin of Alex.

I felt pain every so often, usually followed by extreme anger, and I wrongly assumed it was never this bad.

How could a parent do this to their child?

Alex smiles, his face softening, even from this distance. “I’m okay, little butterfly. This was from Seb.” Oh, because that makes it better. “Things are calmer now. If you want to try coming back inside, we can get our answers.”

I nod, and Ben groans about having to share me again but holds my hand as the three of us head into the house. My hands are freezing, which only makes his feel that much hotter in mine, but he diligently keeps hold.

My legs are trembling, and the warmth of the house doesn’t do anything against the bone-deep coldness that I have going on. I hold onto Phoebe as the four of us enter the living room.

I gasp as I take in the scene in front of me. One of the arm chairs is ripped but usable, the other destroyed beyond repair. The table is cracked, and one of the legs is missing. How it’s still standing upright is beyond me.

There’s a weird smell in the air, but that’s nothing compared to the tension pouring off each and every one of the people in the room. Seb’s gaze snaps towards me, and I give him as big a smile as I can muster.

He’s the only one of my mate’s who can’t feel me through the bond—although, Alex explained that they can feel a sort of echo of me through their shared quadruplet bond—and I know he needs the reassurance that both Phoebe and I are okay.

I try to reach for his hand, but Alex and Ben are gripping onto me too tightly. Instead, I give him a warm smile. He relaxes, marginally, but enough for me to relax, too.

Topher’s just behind his brother, and the glower on his face is terrifying. His eyes meet mine and flash gold as he takes a hesitant step forward. He’s wearing an off-white shirt that does not belong to him, and it’s quite loose over his body. He seems unsettled, both in his facial expressions and the bond.

I accept the kiss and awkward cuddle and hope like hell that the love I’m pouring down the bond to him is enough to help.

Their dads are in two groups—George, alone and miserable, and then Edward and Charles, who both seem determined and angry. Julie’s eyes are downcast, her body hunched in on herself, and she’s the most put together of the group, physically.

It’s clear a battle has taken place here. I just don’t understand who won and how.

Seb growls low, and I look back towards him, and he raises an eyebrow. I nod, and with a squeeze of both Alex’s and Ben’s hands, I walk towards Seb. He brings me into his arms and almost snaps his back as he bends low to take a deep inhale of my scent. He presses a gentle kiss to my pulse point before kissing the top of Phoebe’s head.

“Safe,” he murmurs.

I nod, letting him do what he needs to calm down.

“We’re going to move this into the dining room, princess,” Topher says so gently, despite the glower on his face. “Do you or Phoebe need anything before we get started?”

I shake my head, and he nods.

“Let’s go,” Topher snarls, and this time, his tone completely matches his face as he gives George a look of pure hatred. To my surprise, George follows Topher as he leads him through to the kitchen without a single complaint.

I frown, turning back to Seb, raising my eyebrow.

“The status quo has changed,” Ben cheerfully informs the room.

“Please, don’t—” Julie starts, but she gets cut off by a growl from Alex.

“I’m not sure I understand,” I say, turning in Seb’s arms so I can see Alex. I really don’t want there to be another fight, and it’s clear my distraction has worked because Alex’s face softens.

“You’re looking at the new alphas of the Wolfe pack, baby girl,” Ben says, grinning at me. “Topher has finally bested my dads once and for all, and they’ve been dethroned like the peasants they are.”

I bite my lip, not sure if I’m holding back a laugh or a grimace, and Seb’s arms tighten around Phoebe and I in an effort to protect us either way.

“Is this what happened outside with you and Phoebe?” I ask, and Ben grins, nodding at me.

“She sensed the change and was welcoming her new alphas, whilst honouring the change in her position, too,” Alex says with a smile.

“This will be a good thing for you and my boys, Maia,” Edward says. His tone is almost kind, and there’s no anger in his face as he nods at me. He doesn’t pause before going through to the kitchen with Charles, and neither men look back for their mate.

I feel so uncomfortable being part of this big family blow up, but it’s something that involves me and my daughter.
