Page 22 of Baby's First Howl

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Even I can tell that’s a brush off.

She nods, pursing her lips. She is not pleased by this, but none of the men seem to care.

And neither do I.

“Let’s go,” Christopher says, giving no room for argument. “Give your keys to Sebastian, Maia.”

I frown and shake my head a little pettily. This is a choice he’s not yet stolen, and I won’t be reneging on it. “I’d prefer to be the one to drive. I know where I live, and I really don’t want anyone else driving Phoebe around.”

He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as if this is all a major inconvenience to him. His eyes flicker between hazel and gold before he finally nods. “Straight there. We’ll discuss this further at your home, since you don’t know where we live.”

“I can’t wait to show you our home,” Ben whispers to me, his excitement rubbing me the wrong way. There’s a grin on his face, his eyes that very bright blue colour instead of the hazel, and he’s practically bouncing as he stands. “You and Phoebe can share my room, and I’ll bring you snacks and rub your back. It’ll be a fun sleepover. You can even pick the movie. But it has to be a romcom. Or a?—”

“Time to move,” Christopher growls, shaking his head. I see his lips quirked up ever so slightly, and I frown. “I’ll drive over with Seb and Maia. Ben, Alex, can the two of you grab one of our cars and follow us over there?”

“Sure thing,” Alexander says, clapping Ben on his shoulder when he pouts at me.

It didn’t work on Alexander, and it absolutely won’t work on Ben.

I silently get Phoebe back into her car seat, and I don’t even put up a fight when Seb bends down to grab it for me. He also slings the nappy bag over a shoulder, somehow looking far more graceful than I do when I’m the one doing this.

I’m in a little bit of pain, and my pain relief is at home, exactly where I want to be, so I’ll let him be all macho, and carry the heavy things.

His mum gives me a hug, offering reassurances that I’m in good hands, and then we’re shuffled out of the house. I never met the two remaining alpha men or the twins, and I’m glad for it. If their sons are anything to go by, I do not have faith that we’d get along.

“Thank fuck that’s over,” Alexander mutters once we’re outside the house. Someone shushes him, and he shrugs, turning to Christopher. “We’ll not be long, so drop us a pin.”

Christopher nods.

Seb leads me over to the car, and I pull open the back door for him so he can put Phoebe inside. I clip her into the car properly, adjust her so she’s comfortable, and move backwards. I stumble when I bump into Seb. Tingles shoot through me—literal sparks—and my heart races faster than the swarm of butterflies in my tummy .

I did not realise he was so close.

“Sorry,” I whisper, mortification filling me. He’s smiling and simply steps back for me to get past. I scurry around the car and get behind the wheel.

Asshole gets into the front seat, with Seb sitting back there with Phoebe. The atmosphere is tense as I drive off, and that only increases when Christopher clutches at the handhold above his head for every turn.

“Enough of that,” I hiss when he sucks his lip in between his teeth, acting as if I’m going to kill him with my driving. “I’m a careful fucking driver—especially with my newborn daughter inside the vehicle. Sit quietly or walk.”

“You’re a terrible driver,” Christopher replies. “Now, shut up about it, and keep your eyes on the road.”

My jaw clamps shut, and I’m seething as I continue the journey home, but I’m not going to argue in front of Phoebe. Christopher is an absolute prick, and I want nothing to do with him or his brothers.

We pull up outside my house, and I rush around to Phoebe’s side of the car, not sparing either of the men a second glance as I wretch her door open.

She’s still fast asleep, and she’s so peaceful. I gently lift her out of the car seat, wrapping her in a blanket to protect against the harsh spring evening, and follow Seb over to the front of my house. Christopher doesn’t immediately join us, instead, sniffing the air.

Sniffing it.

He looks so strange right now. He’s in such a smart suit but has his head tipped back as he looks at the sky and takes deep sniffs as he walks in small circles.

“What are you doing?” My words are meant to be a sneer, but instead, come out dripping with my curiosity.


“Nothing. Get inside,” he snaps, turning away from me.

Fucking prick. Why did I even try?

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