Page 226 of Baby's First Howl

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“Why don’t I... why don’t Phoebe and I head back to my place for the night?” I say slowly. “Let you all have some space.”

Topher growls and spins around to face me. “No.”

“I don’t want to be here if you’re all just fighting. It’s not good for me or Phoebe to be around this stress.” I look over at Alex, the one who is usually trusted to be the most reasonable, and repeat my worries to him.

“This is a family matter,” I add softly. “And whilst I am your family, and the future is ours, this is an issue from the past. It’s one that’s beyond me, one that you need to focus on together.”

“Not safe,” Topher says, his eyes bright gold. I’m not sure if it’s him or Orion in control of their body, but his worry is overwhelming.

“If she shifts, I will call you and let you come over to help. I’ve gotten better at handling her in wolf form.” Mostly. As long as she’s got a ball, she’s quite content to chase it back and forth. “Take the day. Process. Handle the pack meeting, then we can make a plan.”

“Then we’ll make a plan,” Alex echoes.

“What if Ethan shows up?” Ben asks, raising an eyebrow. I flinch. “Will you be inviting him in for tea? To share your bed?”

“Not warranted,” Topher snarls, coming to my immediate defence.

“Not kind, either,” I say, giving Ben a stern look. “I thought he was my fiancé.”

“Oh, yes. Because that’s so much better,” Ben says, rolling his eyes. I flip him off and take a seat back at the table, shuffling Phoebe so she’s more comfortable.

“I don’t like it,” Topher says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “The pack is not secure, not properly.”

“You guys need to shout and break some things and process your emotions, without worrying about me,” I say.

“You’re our mate. We’re always going to worry about you,” Topher says, moving over to sit down next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder, taking the offered kiss to my lips. “I love you. We love you.”

“And as I told you last night, this is a huge family affair.” My tone is gentle and kind as I turn to face him, and he sighs, sensing the seriousness radiating from me. “I don’t have the same problems that you do. I’m concerned, but... you guys know this world more intimately than I do. Whatever the plan you create, I’ll trust it and follow your lead.”

“You trust us?” Seb asks, but I know it’s Kane, even though his eyes haven’t shifted.

“Yes, Kane. I love you. I trust you. I know that I’m safe with you,” I say softly. “We’re in this together, no matter what.”

“One night,” Alex says almost hesitantly. “We’ll figure out a plan and discuss it tomorrow with you.”

“One night,” I echo. I look down at Phoebe and smile. “Just us tonight, baby, whilst your daddies have their big, strong alpha night.”

Topher grins at her over my shoulder. She’s not bothered, the only interest she seems to have right now is how much of my boob she can fit into her mouth at one time.

“Okay, breakfast,” Alex says, rubbing his hands together. “I’m starving.”

“You’re starving?” Ben demands, gaping at his brother. There’s no more bananas in the fruit bowl, most of the grapes are gone, and there’s only a bruised up orange left as Ben shakes the bowl at us. “Fruit is not sustenance! I am a growing boy. I’m dying. I’ve had to sit here and waste away whilst you all have your big feelings.”

A lot of the tension fades out of the room as I giggle, and Alex even winks at me. It’s startling how quickly they’ve seemed to bury their annoyance—well, from everyone except Seb. He’s still standing there as if his entire world has been destroyed, and I hate the expression of pure loss on his face.

His eyes are unfocused, his expression blank, but he’s gripping the edge of the table so tightly that the skin around his knuckles is white.

“You’re dramatic,” Alex says, rolling his eyes as he heads over to the fridge. He yanks it open and starts pulling eggs and bacon out of the fridge as Topher goes to fill up the kettle.

Phoebe whines, unlatching herself, just before letting out a loud fart. Her face turns red as she grunts and groans, and whilst it’s obvious she needs a bum change, Ben starts to gag.

“So dramatic,” I say with a laugh. “I’ll go get her changed and come back down once we’re sorted. I expect food to be done, or I’ll be joining Ben in the wasting away category.”

“Okay, little butterfly,” Alex says, not turning around from where he’s organising the breakfast items to start cooking.

“Please all be in one piece when I get back,” I plead.

“We will,” Ben says, rubbing his hands together as his tummy lets out a loud grumble. “Only because Alex makes the best french toast, and I’m desperate for it.”

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