Page 227 of Baby's First Howl

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“Who said I was making it?” Alex teases. The two brothers start to bicker, and there’s a genuine ease in their voices. It’s so soothing, and so much better than the tension that they’ve been carrying.

I lift Phoebe up to rest her head on my shoulder as I get off my stool to head back upstairs. Three of the Wolfe brothers are bickering away, and Seb shoots one forlorn look my way. I beckon for him to follow, and he shakes his head.

“Come, Seb,” I demand, one step away from stamping my foot when he shakes his head again.

“Don’t coat the table in your semen, Seb,” Ben immediately says before dissolving into laughter. Seb glares at his brother before turning and following me up the stairs.

Ben’s smug pride radiates in my chest, and it makes me feel the same way.

Having the bond to the guys really is so much easier to determine their feelings.

I can’t wait until mine and Seb’s is cemented, too.



Each step Seb and I take makes my heart feel heavier, and as we go into my bedroom—his old room—a shiver wracks my spine. I gently lay Phoebe on the bed and go to grab her a clean outfit and the nappy caddy so that I can get her sorted.

“Are you going to sit down?” I ask, raising my eyebrow at my unsettled mate.

Seb sighs, closing the door behind him as if it greatly pains him to do so. This is so against his norm that it truly concerns me. He trudges over to the edge of the bed and turns Phoebe towards him, holding his hand out for the nappy caddy. I shrug, handing it over, and let him change her bum.

I’m not going to fight him over who gets to change the dirty nappies. Most definitely not. Especially when the poop has exploded out of the nappy, up her back, and down her thighs.

That can be a daddy’s job.

I place the clean outfit down beside him before sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him. He refuses to look away from what he’s doing, and I don’t have the patience to wait him out.

“So, you’re upset.” I reach over to touch him, but he tenses under my hand, so I pull away from him.

He needs space.


“I might not be fluent in Seb, yet, but I’m learning.”

I get up from the bed and move over to open the wardrobe. I start rifling through for an outfit for the day so that he doesn’t need to be subjected to the stare that I would be levelling him with. We fall to silence, and I’m going to give him a few before saying something else, just in case he’s trying to organise his feelings.

Phoebe whines, and I grab her favourite rattle from the floor where it had fallen throughout the night, and she brings it to her mouth.

Seb’s changed her bum and got her in a new outfit by the time I’m dressed, and neither of us has said a word. With a sigh, I steal my daughter from him and put her in her bouncer. Seb sets up one of her toys in front of her so she can track it moving back and forth.

Effortless. Easy.

He knows what I need even without me asking, and yet, I can’t even get him to open up about what he needs.

“I hate knowing that something is bothering you, and you don’t feel like you can talk to me about it,” I say softly. He shrugs. “Is this about last night?”

He nods, but it’s a jerky movement, and I’m grateful we’re not bonded so he doesn’t have to experience the smug shoot of pride that I just felt.

“Are you upset with me for Morgan?” I hate that my voice trembled here.

He shakes his head, reaching out to hold my hand. One day, I’ll learn how to read his body language like a book.

For now, it seems we’re playing the guessing game.

Seb sighs deeply, and when he turns to look at me, I can see the bright green eyes that are a tell tale for Kane being in control of their body. “We hurt mate.”
