Page 229 of Baby's First Howl

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“I’ve killed more people than the years you’ve lived.” I try my hardest not to react. “Do you think Topher and Ben were chasing me down yesterday out of concern for me being out in the dark? They were scared I was going to go kill an alpha, Maia. They chased me down and spent most of the night tearing into me to try and keep me under control. They were concerned for the safety of those around me.”

And now, his fears about being dangerous this morning are clear to understand.

He’s breathing heavily, his eyes flickering between green and hazel as he battles with Kane.

Right now, I know Kane and I are united, both of us seeing the good within Seb, even when he’s clearly unable to see it himself.

“Okay.” My tone is soft, calming, and very soothing. I run my hands up and down his chest, keeping my touch gentle. “Were any of the people you killed good people?”

Bright green wins out, and there’s a sneer on Kane’s face.

“Didn’t you argue yesterday that there’s an entire law enforcement team who should handle that?” Kane asks, cocking a brow at me. “Don’t you think Seb and I are disgusting and evil? Don’t you think we should be kept away from Phoebe and you for your safety?” He leans in close, and I can feel his warm breath against my cheek. “Don’t you worry that we might just snap, and you’ll be the one to get hurt?”

“No, Seb, I don’t,” I whisper, tears filling my eyes as I rise up on my knees so we’re eye-level. I don’t know who is in control right now, but I know Kane asked those questions specifically to let me know how Seb is feeling.

He shuts his eyes, and I cup his cheeks, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Even in your darkest rage, you could never hurt me.”

“I’ve hurt others.”

“You’re not alone in that,” I murmur, furiously wiping away my tears before he sees them. But his eyes snap open, and he uses the large pad of his thumbs to chase them down. He pops it into his mouth, and I grimace.

“I don’t like it when you cry, little love,” Seb says.

“And yet, you think you’re going to hurt me?”

He shrugs. “I just need to know that she’s okay.”

“Would it...” I trail off as Phoebe whines. Seb laughs and moves me off his lap to adjust the moving penguin for Phoebe. It got stuck in the corner and couldn’t get back out, and it unsettled her.

I move to grab my phone off charge and wait for Seb to come back over to me.

“Would it, what?” he asks, looking at the phone with trepidation.

“Do you want me to call her?”

He frowns and shakes his head. “Not today. But... I think… I think, soon, we’d like that.”

“We?” I ask, not sure who he means.

“We,” he confirms, gesturing to the shut door.

“Okay.” I smile at him, and he relaxes. But his eyes are very intense as they rake over my body. “Anything else you want to talk about?”

He shakes his head, his eyes narrowed as he continues to stare at me.

“Then stop staring, it’s making me uncomfortable.”

“I just wonder...”

“Wonder what?”

His eyes quickly flash between green and hazel, and he rests on his elbow, giving me a grin. “How sweet your moans sounded last night for Topher before Ben interrupted you.”

I can feel the immediate flush fill my face, and I cover it with my hands letting out an embarrassed moan.

“But what I truly wonder,” he murmurs, wrapping his arm around my waist as he tugs me closer to him, “is whether you’d moan just as sweetly for me if I were to finish what he started?”

“Probably,” I whisper, still dying of mortification.
