Page 242 of Baby's First Howl

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I groan, but Ben smirks, the scent of his amusement filling the air. “You’ve all got identical dicks. So you’re already going to die today for that alone.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Oliver protests, and his words send me back to the past for a brief moment. Nostalgia is a weakness. “Look, I’ll leave?—”

“And go tattle to Mummy and Daddy that Phoebe, indeed, is your brother’s pup?” I ask, tilting my head as I let out a snarl. Orion tries to push forward, but I don’t allow for that. “That’s not happening, Olly. She is our daughter, and whilst you fucked things up with your own?—”

“I was a child!” He roars, his eyes flashing grey for a brief moment before returning back to blue as he breathes in and out slowly. He’s trying to calm himself down.

But I don’t understand why. It’s not like he can do much but shout at us. He doesn’t have a wolf, for fuck’s sake, and yet, it’s almost like he’s trying to hold back a shift.

“What the fuck is going on with our cousin here?” Orion demands.

“I’m interested in knowing the answer to that question, too. This shouldn’t be possible, but the way he’s acting… it’s as if there’s a wolf spirit inside him trying to break free.”

“He still smells of the faint traces of canine and the strong richness of the earth,” Orion says as we discreetly sniff the air. Oliver’s breathing is ragged as he fights to control himself, and he’s giving us time to inspect him. “Which means he’s not using whatever scent neutraliser they’re working on.”

“Or maybe they are, and it’s this advanced already. Maybe it’s so powerful it can hide the fact that he now has a wolf.”

“I hope not.”

“I wasn’t referring to your sister,” I say, stepping closer to him to see if we can feel any difference in his systems. “We fucked up all those years ago. Losing her destroyed us all, and rather than bonding us closer, it tore us all apart.”

He sneers at me, and if he had a wolf, he’d feel my anger and could never manage to meet my eyes. There’s no way he’d be strong enough to go toe-to-toe with me. “And what, you’re now having this little epiphany all these years later? After you killed Ryan?”

Confusion fills me, Orion and I frowning as one. After we killed Ryan?

“After we killed Ryan?” Ben demands, voicing my thoughts. “I wish I did. That fucker fucked my mate.”

Oliver frowns. “I feel like we’re fighting against two different topics.”

“And on two very different sides,” Ben says.

“You’re not to blame for Morgan,” I say. “None of us were. We were children, and we loved her. It fell to our parents to protect her, and they didn't.”

“Fucking cowards,” Oliver and Ben say as one.

“But you’re not a good man, either,” I say angrily. “You’ve spent months and months tormenting my mate. You’ve been fucking her over, thinking that you’re entitled to do so.

“She’s not yours, Oliver. She was Ryan’s, and now she’s ours. I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but you can’t blame being a child for this one.”

He steps towards me, his face lighting up in fury, embracing his anger. “Do you really think I’ve been tormenting her?”

“We don’t think you have, dickhead,” Ben says.

“We know it,” I confirm. “Seb listened to her sobs as she thought she was going crazy for all these months as you showed up time and time again.”

“Speaking of that—” he starts.

“And if that wasn’t enough, you’ve started dabbling in science to fuck us all over. Losing Ryan wasn’t a big enough clue that you should stop that project?” I demand.

“How did you know about my involvement?”

I roll my eyes as Orion snorts. “Because I’m not a braindead fucking idiot. It doesn’t take much to put two and two together. But, seriously, cousin, messing with our sense of smell? Only someone like you could not understand the level of?—”

“Don’t speak about what you do not know,” Oliver hisses. He gives me the dirtiest look he can muster, the sneer on his face is one that’s familiar from back in the day.

“All it does is piss me off that much further. He’s a tiny little boy acting like a big man. Shame, really. I was just thinking we could move past it all.”

“The only shame is he doesn’t have the goods to back it up,” I reply, cracking my knuckles.

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