Page 247 of Baby's First Howl

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I loved Ryan, and my heart is struggling to process the fact that Oliver is not him.

I’m not going to lie, Oliver deserved a punch or two for dropping that bomb on me in such a painful and spiteful way. But Oliver is someone who could be an ally.

Or at the very, very least, he knows things, and he could share them.

It’s so frustrating that my men haven’t thought about the fact when they decided to beat their cousin up.

“What’s running through your mind?” Alex asks, brushing my hair out of my face. The strands are sticking to the trails of wetness on my cheeks, and it’s a bit gross.

“That you and your brothers are idiots.” I cover my mouth, surprised that I blurted that out.

Don’t get me wrong—it’s the truth.

Oliver doesn’t have a wolf, so I think he’s already at a disadvantage when it comes to this roughhousing of theirs. They’re beating on a man who can’t even defend himself—not really. It’s cowardly, for sure, but it’s also just plain wrong.

Ignoring the unfairness of it all, though, they’re also in a position where Oliver may be willing to help us.

Even a little. He seems to like me, and he loves Phoebe.

If he could share bits, anything, really, it would be more than we already knew, and it could help us figure some of the things we’re stuck with.

The questions are building, but we’re running out of sources for our answers.

So how did they talk things out with him to try and get us some information? They used their fists.

Or even worse than that, they used their claws and teeth.

“Oliver is… he’s not under his parent’s thumb,” I mention. “He knows about Ryan and I. He knows about Phoebe. He talked about the company and how he’s worked with Ethan and Ryan… he knows lots of things—things we don’t even have the answers to. And you guys are beating him up as if he’s not worth anything, as if he’s just a way to expel your annoyance.

“I know he deserved it. I know… I can’t begin to understand how you all feel, even with our bonds that let me in on it. But I think it’s so stupid of you to just… beat him up.”

Alex laughs, and I narrow my eyes at the hulking figure.

“What?” I snap a little too defensively. Does he think I’m stupid? Did I say something wrong?

I scoot off his lap and cross my arms in front of my chest.

“You’re not upset we hit him, but you’re upset that doing so may have cost us an opportunity?” There’s a huge smirk on his face, and I’m reminded that he’s related to Topher, too, with that act.

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks, and I look at Phoebe instead of Alex as I shrug. Is that wrong of me?

He laughs loudly, his amusement ricocheting around my chest. “I fucking love you.”

I stick my tongue out at him, refusing to look his way.

“Now, come on, little butterfly,” he cajoles, leaning in towards me. His tone is dripping with his amusement, and I can feel the vibrations of his chest as he tries to stifle his laughter. “Share your violent thoughts with me, baby.”

I grimace, looking at him through my eyelashes. “You’ll judge me.”

“Oh, I most definitely will not.” There’s an almost flirtatious tone to his words, but when I just look back down at my daughter, he huffs out a laugh before getting up.

To my surprise, he carefully lifts Phoebe from the bed, cradling my tiny infant in his bulking arms. He gently lowers her into her crib, and I watch in surprise as she doesn’t cry. He waits a moment, resting his hand on her chest, offering her comfort, but she doesn’t move, doesn’t even stir at the location change.

There’s a proud look on his face, but it disappears as he gets himself settled on the bed. He lays on his side, the full length of him down the bed, and he crooks his finger at me, trying to get me to come and lay next to him.

He’s very beautiful, and he knows it. But annoyingly, so does my body. My tummy flutters at seeing the way he’s so confidently sprawled out. His head is supported by his arm, the thick muscles probably not providing a very comfortable pillow.

“Are you comfy there?” I cock my brow and let my eyes rake up and down his body. Who am I to not take advantage of the very beautiful sight of my mate?
