Page 26 of Baby's First Howl

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“During strong emotional moments, it can happen, yes. We can also choose to allow it,” Alexander says. “That’s what is happening with Topher now. He’s overwhelmed, and Orion wants to meet you, so… here he is.”

“You wanted to meet me?” I ask, looking back down at the kneeling man.

He nods. “My mate is so beautiful.” He frowns. “But sad. You are so sad.”

The tears come without my permission, this time, and I hang my head, burying my face into Phoebe so that he doesn’t see them.

Orion jumps to his feet and pulls me in for a hug as Seb lets out a very loud growl.

“We’ve got you, pretty mate,” Orion whispers. His voice is deeper than Christopher’s, with a little less refinement to it. “I’m here now. I’ll make it all better.”

It’s got to be the postpartum hormones that make that something I crave.

I don’t need a man—or four of them—to take care of me… right?



“Here you go,” Ben says, handing me the hot chocolate that Seb made, with only the pride a younger brother stealing an accomplishment could have. I take it, sniffing the drink, and smile as the chocolatey fumes tease my nose. A warmth fills me, and not from the heat of the cup in my hands, but because I have a drink, and I didn’t have to make it for myself.

It’s been so long since someone truly took the time to do something like this just because he can.

Christopher regained control of himself after our hug and herded us all into my living room, maintaining a solid five foot distance between me and him. I don’t think he’s even made eye contact with me since, which is very disappointing. I absolutely loved the small meeting I had with Orion, and I’m disheartened that it wasn’t longer.

It’s strange, considering they’re the same person, but Orion was much, much nicer.

Seb made me a sandwich, whispering a silent promise of something more once everything is handled. When I mentioned being cold, he even made me my hot chocolate without even a hint of complaint.

The five of us are now spread around the living room, Phoebe passed out blissfully in her Moses’s basket, and I’m avoiding looking at the men surrounding me because I don’t know what I’ll see.

I can feel the tension in the air, though, and it’s not comfortable at all.

“We’ve not really been introduced to each other,” Alexander says, inching forward on the sofa. He gives me a polite smile and nods his head. “So, I’m Alexander, I’m the second-born, and I much prefer to be called Alex. As already mentioned, my wolf is called Max, but I have no doubt he’ll make your acquaintance himself soon.”

“I’m Ben—Benjamin if you’re my mum—and my favourite colour is orange. Sometimes green, sometimes brown, but never purple,” Ben says, ticking them off on his finger.

The serious look in his eyes when he mentions purple makes me hesitant to admit that’s my favourite colour.

“I like most food and am the nicest of the four of us. I also have the biggest—” Alex, Christopher, and Seb growl here, and Ben makes a big show of winking at me. “Heart. The biggest heart.” He smirks, and the blue flecks in his eyes shine brighter. “Honestly, Maia, these dirty minds. How ever will we cope?”

“Ben’s had his turn,” I say with a small teasing tone to my voice. Mostly, I’m overwhelmed and want to get this over and done with.

Alex sighs, looking between his two brothers, but when neither of them speak, he takes over and does it for them. “Seb is quiet but loyal, and Topher is a dick but even more loyal. All four of us prefer our nicknames because, for some reason, my mum thought four very long names would be best so that we’d match.” He gives me a wry smile, but I’m hesitant to return it. “We’re all twenty-six, so a little older than you are, and obviously, we’re werewolves.”

We fall to silence, and I can feel Alex’s stare on the side of my face as he waits for me to say something. But what does he want to know that I haven’t already shared during the grilling that took place at his mum and dad’s place?

My nickname? I don’t have one of those.

My favourite colour? I’d much rather not be crucified by Ben.

“Well let’s move on, then,” Alex says with another sigh. I feel slightly guilty since he’s putting the effort in and trying, but it’s not getting us very far when I still know nothing of true value about them.

“I’m not sorry I took your choice away back at my parent’s house,” Christopher says. My head snaps up, and I know I’m glaring at the prick. He’s so unashamed, so fucking rigid, and still avoiding looking at me. “We needed to get out of there and not cause another scene like you did and deter the entire night further.”

He crosses his arms in front of his chest, kicking his leg up over his knee.

“I am so sorry my child shifting into a wolf ruined your evening,” I hiss. “Don’t you think that was terrifying to me? Don’t you think it ruined my day—my life?”
