Page 28 of Baby's First Howl

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“And if females are being born but aren’t turning into wolves…”

“We risk our entire species dying out,” Christopher says. Well, fuck.

“But you can turn people into werewolves, yes?”

Christopher sighs as if me having questions about a world I know literally nothing about is so inconvenient. I swear, if I was able to run, I’d punch that look off his face. “My mum is weaker than Phoebe will be—likely even by Phoebe’s teenage years. My sisters are weaker than a natural born female. My mum gave birth to twin human girls, and the likelihood is that my sisters will also only give birth to human girls. Each new generation will be weaker and weaker until, eventually, no babies will be born as werewolves.”

“But we cannot—and will not—force our female wolves into becoming breeding machines in the hopes that it would undo this phenomenon,” Alex says, and some relief fills me when each of the men nod. “And that’s a firm stance we’re taking, and will take, no matter what happens externally.”

“This all still feels very…” I trail off, not speaking above a murmur. I’m not sure how to put into words my feelings on this topic.

It feels like something out of a fantasy movie, where nothing is real. Surely, werewolves are held to the same laws as humans? Surely, these people are not considering forcing their children to be bred at sixteen?

Girls are most fertile from late teens… men are most virile in their late twenties. Surely, surely, people can see the issue with this.

My stomach churns, and I choke back bile. My eyes sting, but I refuse to allow the tears to fall. “I’m not sure I want to be part of this world,” I whisper.

“You don’t have a choice,” Ben says cheerfully.

“My brother lacks tact,” Alex hisses as Seb kicks Ben in the shin. “But he’s not wrong. Phoebe’s shift brought you into this world, and unless you will give her up?—”

“No!” I snarl louder than any of them could, and I don’t understand why they all smile. Well, everyone except Christopher.

“I didn’t think so. There’s more than just this negativity, Maia,” Alex says soothingly. “Our world can be beautiful. We’re passionate creatures—we love harder than a human male ever could. We will protect you, demand?—”

“Your pleasure,” Ben says, waggling his brows at me. I scoff, and he sighs. “I know I’m the runt, but I’m?—”

“The runt? You have runts?” I ask, cutting him off the way he has been doing to everyone else. He tilts his head, an adorable puppy dog expression on his face.

“Not in the way you’re thinking,” Christopher says, his lips quirked up when Ben pouts. “Oftentimes, there’s a weaker male in a multiple birth, and that’s been dubbed as the runt. It’s a colloquialism.”

I mean that was exactly what I thought the runt was. Why the hell are they smirking?

“So, you’re the weakest?” I ask, and Ben nods. He doesn’t seem put out by that, not even a little bit. “Is that because you’re the youngest?”

They all shake their heads.

“No, it just is,” Ben says with a shrug. “It makes no difference, though. None of the guys let me be bullied any more.”

“You were bullied?”


I’m not saying these bullies hit him a little too hard, but why is he smiling right now? Bullying is not a good thing.

“He might be an alpha’s son, but that only made the pressure to be perfect that much greater, and if you failed… well, people were willing to make their displeasure known,” Alex says quietly.

Once more, my heart lurches, and I look over at my daughter. Is this vicious life really something she has to be part of?

“Now, as exciting as this topic is, can we move on?” Alex asks. “You were upset because you don’t know us, right? We’ve told you some things about ourselves and the pack structure. I’ve even explained the danger. So, can we please take you to our home?”

I nod slowly. “It’s not just that we don’t know each other, though. You took away my choice.”

“You were going to make a terrible choice. I removed the need for that, and I won’t undo it,” Christopher says, leaning forward on his knees, with a penetrating gaze. His bored tone pisses me off, but after how sweet and caring his wolf was, I know that’s just part of him. I don’t understand why he keeps his sweetness hidden, but if I were given the choice, I’d absolutely choose his wolf over him.

“You will not be safe staying here, and I won’t budge on your safety—on either of your safety,” Christopher adds.

I think back to the missing piece of pie and nod slowly. “For how long?”

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