Page 38 of Baby's First Howl

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His eyes aren’t the same indicator as they are with everyone else, leaving me without that big clue.

“Open,” he growls, and I open my mouth for him to feed me the bite. I don’t think he took my choice from me—it didn’t feel like when it’s been done to me previously—but I’m also not impressed that my body obeyed him.

He purrs lightly, the sound vibrating through me in a soothing way, as he offers me the next bite. I don’t resist, and I can feel his body relax, knowing that I’m pleasing him.

“I want to feed our mate,” Ben whines, leaning forward. Seb looks up and growls, causing Ben to sigh and flop back into his chair. “Ben never gets to do anything fun. Not Ben. Not Fluffy. We just sit here like the scraps.”

“You ate our mate’s breakfast twice and likely would take this portion, too,” Alex says with a smirk. “Don’t worry. You’ll get your turn to feed someone, eventually.”

“Who?” Ben’s still pouting, his lips looking even fuller as he flutters his dark eyelashes.

“Phoebe,” I murmur, and his eyes light up as he turns to me. He doesn’t verbally say the really that he mouths, and I nod. “Sure. Maybe.”

Ben’s grin is sort of worth it.

“You can put me down. I’ll eat,” I say, looking up at Seb. He ignores me and cuts up more of my food, offering me the next bite. Phoebe starts to whine, so I reach under the wrap, much to Alex and Ben’s confusion, and undo the latch on my nursing top. It’s very easy to adjust her so that she can feed, and once again, my hands are free to do what I need.

You know, like, eat.

“I feed mate,” Seb says, and I narrow my eyes. “Kane feeds mate.”

“Kane is not out to feed his mate. Sebastian is feeding his mate,” Christopher says with a drawl. My head flies over to the eldest brother, and he’s smirking as he sees the situation we’re in.

“Your jealousy over me liking Seb and Kane more than you is quite problematic,” I say, turning back to Seb. I open my mouth, and he smiles as he feeds me another forkful of food. This one was bacon and scrambled eggs and very delicious.

And it tastes so much nicer with the glower that Christopher is throwing my way.

Food is nice. Petty food is even better.

“So, back to your question,” Alex says.

“I asked a question?”

“About the bond we share with Phoebe,” Alex says.

“Oh. Yes.” I did ask about that, didn’t I?

Alex smiles. “We do have a supernatural bond with Phoebe. Our wolves have bonded to the spirit of the wolf inside Phoebe, and as her wolf grows and develops alongside Phoebe, we’ll be the ones to help nurture that connection.”

“Shouldn’t that be my job as her parent?”

“It would be if you were a wolf,” Alex says.

“But you’re not,” Christopher points out unhelpfully.

“So, why does it fall to you?” I ask before frowning. I cross my arms in front of my chest—and Phoebe—and glare at Alex. “Because we’re mates.”

“Lose the air quotes, we are mates,” Christopher says.

“But, yes, that’s why. Our wolves have bonded with Phoebe since she is yours, and you are ours,” Alex says. His tone doesn’t waver, his face doesn’t change.

Such a grand declaration.


“Eat,” Seb growls in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. My mouth opens, and he slides a forkful of food in that I chew without complaint.

“I don’t think I like that.”

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