Page 47 of Baby's First Howl

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“What?” Ben asks, having barely swallowed that huge mouthful of popcorn. “Who is showering?”

“Let’s go see mate now. She can’t lie when her pretty body is on display for me to?—”

“No.” I cut my wolf off and refuse to budge on that. She still feels like a guest in our home, and I refuse to go and interrupt her shower.

It has nothing to do with the fact that she’d be naked, and... I try to subtly adjust myself.


Rather than answer, I just shut our connection off. A temporary measure, but one I need whilst my erection fucks off.

“Maia, obviously,” Alex says, throwing a rolled up bit of paper at Ben, who retaliates by throwing it at Seb. As my brothers get into a brawl over the paper ball, I go over and grab one of the boxes containing Ryan’s life.

I can’t question my lying mate, so instead, I’ll look into her lying, dead… fling.

He doesn’t deserve the fiancé title.

He doesn’t even deserve the daddy title.

“That’s the spirit,” Orion says gleefully. “He tried to steal our mate. He’s lucky someone else got to him before I could. The fact that he thought he could touch what was ours sealed his fate. Me? I’d have torn his throat out like the wolf he denied being. I’d have shred him limb from?—”

“I get it,” I say, shaking my head. I bat the paper ball away from my face, ignoring the multiple groans when I both refuse to participate in the game and end it so that they can’t play, either.

“No fair,” Ben whines. “You weren’t even playing, Topher. That was meant to hit Seb.”

“We’ll go speak with Maia after the shower,” I reassure Orion as I tune Ben’s whines out. “She owes us answers, and I will make sure she understands how not providing them will harm Phoebe.”

“Do not threaten my mate,” Orion snarls across our link, and I can feel his rage as he once more tries to push and take control.

“It’s not a threat if it’s the truth,” I argue. I let out a small growl, which my brothers notice but ignore. We’re all equal, all alphas, but I am the strongest of the four of us. Orion is a very strong spirit for a wolf, and my control over him is not always as good as the other’s.

Ben quite often has many issues but in a different way to me, and Seb and his wolf are always on the same page as far as I’m aware. Kane’s as quiet as Seb, not often coming out to speak. Alex’s relationship with Max is near perfect, and it’s something I’ve always been envious of.

I’d never trade Orion for another?—

“As you shouldn’t,” Orion says smugly. “I am perfection. You’re the asshole. You need to learn how to address our mate properly or I will help her tear you from limb to limb.”

“I don’t need pointers from you on how to deal with our mate. Or to waste my time explaining how tearing me apart would tear you apart.”

“The difference, human, is that I don’t see our mate as something that needs to be dealt with,” Orion says before he pulls away from the bond and leaves me feeling like shit.

It’s not like I meant she was a problem.

She’s just... unexpected.

We had plans. Carefully curated, outlined plans, and she shows up with a daughter in tow, and now everything has changed.

“Are you just going to stand there all day, Toph?” Ben asks, raising an eyebrow at me. “You don’t make a good decoration. Much too scowly, and well, we all know you’re the ugliest of the four of us. If we were going to commemorate us, we should use Seb.” He laughs to himself. “You’re right, Fluff. The statue would probably say more words.”

Seb just smirks, and I roll my eyes as I bring the box over to the group.

“What’s the present for?” Ben asks, his eyebrows raising. “Maia? Can I give it to her? She’s been pretty moody today, so, hopefully, this will cheer her up.”

“No, it’s the things that I’ve got from Maia regarding Ryan,” Alex says. “We’re going to go through them and see what we can find out about him.”

“Let us help then,” Ben says almost regretfully. “Or should one of us go up and stay with Maia?” Seb turns to leave, and I roll my eyes.

“No,” Alex says, shaking his head, and Seb sighs, returning to the group. “Leave her to enjoy her shower. We’ll go get her when it’s time for dinner.”
