Page 65 of Baby's First Howl

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I nod. “That’s sort of how I feel. I’m content with what I do. I’ve taken a bit of a backseat right now, obviously, but I never thought this is what I’d spend my life doing.”

“So, why do you do it?”

I laugh. “I’ve got a lot of money, and I invest specifically in companies that want to do good things. Advancements in the world, products that help people, but they lack the funds. My mum ran a charity, Howling Hope, and?—”

“Howling Hope?” he asks with a frown. I nod slowly. “They work with endangered animals, right?”

“Yes. My mum started it out of spite when she was a teenager, and I don’t have to do too much with it other than show up to a few galas.”

Alex laughs, a full on belly laugh that transforms his face. Some of the stress has ebbed away, and I feel pride for being the reason for that. “How can you start a foundation out of spite?”

“My grandfather, her dad, was an avid hunter, and it didn’t meld well with her beliefs. She was vegan, and they got into an argument. It evolved from there.” I grin. “My grandfather died when I was nine, but he and my mum were such opposite ends of the spectrum. He was very old school, very traditional. My mum was so free, so unrestrained. Their love for each other was clear, even despite that.”

“We’ve donated quite a lot to that foundation specifically for the efforts they do.” He raises an eyebrow. “So what made you choose to do something different?”

“I never wanted to work there. That was my mum’s passion, and it was already thriving,” I say, bringing my legs up onto the sofa. I turn to face him a little more as I get comfy. “I didn’t want to spend my life in her shadow, and she supported that.”

“I’m glad,” he says softly. “So, when do you plan on going back to work?”

I grimace. “Um... no idea. I’ve got the funds to not, and it might only be day seven, but I love being home with Phoebe.”

“We’ll support whatever you want to do,” he says softly.

“How are we going to go about this financially?” I ask.

He frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Well, whilst I’m staying here,” I start, but he growls low. I ignore it. “Whilst I’m staying here, I need to contribute towards the bills.”

“You will bloody well not,” he snaps, and between blinks, I realise his eyes have turned bright silver. “No mate of mine will be paying for anything whilst she’s caring for ou-her child.” He shakes his head when I open my mouth. “No, mate. No.”

“Max—” I start, and he growls. It’s kind of cute. I stand up and head towards him, grinning when he scoots his chair back. “I’d at least like to contribute to the shopping bills.”

“No.” He’s grinning, but his tone is serious.

“Phoebe and I?—”

“Will have your needs covered by us,” he says. He holds his hand out, and I sigh but take it. He pulls me into his lap, and I move around so that I’m more comfortable. “You seem tense.”

“You seem tense,” I correct, reaching up to place my hand gently on his cheek. He starts to growl low in his throat, and it’s a pleased sound. “Is there anything I can help with?”

He shakes his head, not moving from where I’m touching him. I don’t know if he can feel the tingles like I can, but they’re so pleasant and nice.

“You popped in at just the right moment.”

I smile, but based on the heated expression on his face, I think he doesn’t just mean me arriving at his office when I did.

I think he means when I arrived in his life.

Something vibrates on my leg, but I don’t even have time to ponder it because Alex’s head snaps away from mine in a panic. “Shit!”

“Breathe,” I murmur, slowly rising to my feet. He seems very reluctant to let go of me, but I don’t give him the choice. “What’s wrong?”

“I have a meeting in five minutes, and I’m not prepared,” he says with a shake of his head. “Can you go and pick Seb up for me? I’ll text you the—can you write your number in my phone? I’ll send you his location, and—” He cuts himself off with a groan. “It’s fine. I’ll see if Talia is?—”

“Easy,” I murmur, bending forward to press a hesitant kiss to his cheek. “Phoebe will be due for a feed soon, so I’ll get her up, and we’ll both go and pick Seb up from work. Pass your phone.” He doesn’t seem to move, his jaw a little agape, his eyes tracking my movements.

I reach down and take it from his grasp and attempt to unlock the phone. “Password?”
