Page 70 of Baby's First Howl

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“Christopher. I’ve got an eight-day-old little girl who is a werewolf, and I’m absolutely terrified that I’m not going to be good enough to be her mum.” I wrap my arms around myself. “I’m human, and she’s extraordinary.”

“She’s perfect.”

I nod, smiling at my daughter, before giving him a dirty look. “You and your brothers aren’t going to be happy with us here for long, no matter what you keep claiming. Seb’s had to give up his bed, you’re all making concessions to your lifestyle, and she’s going to have me up multiple times a night, which you’ll all hear since you’re werewolves.”

“We’re going to want you here forever, princess,” Christopher says, taking another step closer. “This is only a temporary arrangement for you. I don’t lie when I say you’re our mate—it’s the only truth that matters.”

I scoff. “Sure. Until someone prettier comes along with less baggage?—”

“Do not ever refer to her as baggage again,” he snarls, and his eyes flash gold, but he doesn’t let Orion take over.

This is between me and Christopher.

“I meant the grieving of my dead ex-fiancé. Phoebe is not and will not ever be a burden,” I whisper, unable to deny the magnetism he’s emitting. He’s so defensive over my daughter, and it’s one of the most—only… oh, who the fuck am I kidding, most—attractive traits he has. The gold in his eyes are so bright, and I can barely bring myself to blink.

“Glad we can agree on something,” he says. “You’re in this room where you belong, and nobody gave up a bed for you—although we would have, if it was needed. Seb just moved from one room to another. This is just the only room attached to another, so we figured you would prefer it for when Phoebe is older and in her own room.”

I nod slowly, but I’m not sure how I feel about this. He’s planning for a future, and I’m stuck living in the past.

“The decorating will begin in the next few days so you’re happy here—we just need to arrange for some of us, you, and Phoebe to stay somewhere else so she doesn’t need to be around the paint fumes.”

My eyes fill with tears at how sweet he’s being, at how much he’s taking my daughter into consideration.

“I don’t trust this mate bond of yours. That’s just not how it’s done for humans.”

He pauses. “Is there anything I can do to prove it to you?”


He sighs. “Then it looks like we’re doing this the old-fashioned way. I’ll tell you something about my brothers and I—we’re relentless when it comes to claiming what is ours, and you, princess? You’re ours in every sense of the word.” He advances towards me, not hovering above me, but he doesn’t intimidate me. “You’re made for me—for us. Every inch of you was designed with my brothers in mind. Your gorgeous eyes, your beautiful smile, your luscious tits?—”

“These were made to feed my child,” I hiss.

“You make more than enough milk to share.” My eyes widen, and he smirks. “Trust me, Maia, you are everything to us, and if it takes the rest of our lives for us to show you that, then so be it. But I can promise you that not a single day will go by where we’ll allow you to doubt our devotion to you.”


“Devotion. Worshipping. Loving.” His words are a promise, and they send shivers down my spine.

“I see,” I whisper, taking an unconscious step back. Things are too intense for just meeting these men. “Um, I need to get to sleep.”

I wanted to bring up the way he acted earlier, but I can’t. I can’t handle any other big declaration of emotion from him.

Christopher has been the only one of his brother’s that I’ve not known where he stood, and now he’s made it very clear.

The Wolfe brothers have told me what they want.

But me? I’m not sure I can give it.

“I’ll leave you to it,” he murmurs, bending down to softly kiss my forehead. My eyes flutter closed as his lips rest there for three entire heartbeats before he pulls away. “May I…?”

I frown, not sure what he wants, but I nod anyway. Tears prick at my eyes as he bends down over Phoebe’s crib and brushes the softest kiss against her head before turning and leaving the room.

I don’t know why that meant so much to me, but it did. It was everything.

