Page 75 of Baby's First Howl

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“You’ve been part of it for three weeks,” I say. “Of course, you are. You can’t learn an entire new culture in a few weeks. But you’re trying, and that’s the important thing.” She sighs. “Believe me, mate, you’re navigating it extremely well.”

She glances over at me, and I see her trying to look at my eyes. I turn to look at her, and her lips part ever so slightly as she sees that it’s still me in control of the body.

“So, since the topic of conversation tonight is infant scents,” she says, winking at me, “What can you tell me about adult scents?”

“Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.” I’m overjoyed at the genuine smile on her face. “We can smell a lot.”

“I’m sure you can,” she says with a smirk. I grin and outline some of the things we can scent, and she’s as engaged as I am.

That’s one thing I really do love about Maia—she’s so inquisitive. She’s always so excited when it comes to learning about the differences between our worlds, and she often has a unique standpoint.

“What I don’t understand is how you’re all so identical,” Maia says, and I raise an eyebrow. “Are you telling me you don’t see it?”

“I mean, I know we’re identical?—”

“Not just you four,” she says, cutting me off as she eagerly turns to face me. “Every twin or multiple I have met is like a carbon copy of the other. Iris and Talia, Patrick and Garrett, even Liam and Finn.”

I burst out laughing, and she groans. “When I was fourteen, I was so fucking sick of looking like my brothers. The amount of trouble the four of us got into, and I hated when I was mistaken for one of the others. So, I cut off all my hair.”

She gasps as a sly look appears across her face. “I’d be down for you doing that again.”

“It grew back overnight.”

She gasps again, her baby blue eyes widening. “It what?”

“It grew back overnight. Ben tried for weeks to dye his hair, to scar himself, to change his appearance to be different from the norm, and it didn’t work.”

“I can’t believe it. That’s crazy,” she says, her red lips parted ever so slightly. But then she grins, the biggest and most authentic smile I’ve seen. My heart beats faster, seeing her this energised, and a wave of pride fills me.

“Well done, human,” Orion says. “You’ve intrigued our mate, made her so happy.”

“I don’t need you congratulating me for caring for my mate,” I protest.

“Considering you’re still bottom of the pack in terms of her favourite, yes, I do,” Orion says, and I hiss at him along our bond.

Sure, I’m lower on the totem pole than my brothers… but that doesn’t mean I’m not her favourite, right?

I shake it off and turn back to where Maia is at with her conversation, letting her finish what she’s saying about “werewolves existing, so of course, identical twins could exist despite going against the laws of science.”

“The theory behind it is interesting. When we’re conceived, we’re split from one egg and grow in unison with each other. A bond is formed, tethering us together, linking us as one. Every identical set of siblings is believed to be one part of a soul, shared between however many there are in the set.” Goosebumps race over my skin. “Why should our bodies be different when our very souls are identical?”

A shiver wracks down Maia’s spine, but she narrows her eyes. “But you are all different. Your personalities are so unique, and even the traits each of you share are so varied. You might look the same, but you’re not the same.”

“Because we’re one part of a soul—not the full soul four times,” I say, turning the car into the doctor’s surgery. “We’re not all going to have the same aspects of that, are we?”

She hums lightly. “That makes sense, I suppose. So you can’t have anything different from the others in your bond?”

“As far as we’ve found, no,” I say with a shrug. I drive around the lot again, trying to find a space. There’s such limited parking in this small surgery. “However, ask Seb about what differences he has tried to implement.”

Maia raises an eyebrow. “Do I really want to know?”

“You might,” I say as I find a space. It’s like a flip has switched on my darling mate, and the fear I managed to erase from her over the drive has come back in full force.

I pull into the spot easily and turn the car off, hating how strong her scent is right now. It’s a tantalising smell that’s alerting my wolf and I to her needs.

I fucking hate that I can’t fix it.

“We can. Kill him. Carve out his eyes, cut out his tongue, then slit his throat. Destroy him so he can’t ever hurt her again.”
