Page 81 of Baby's First Howl

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He’s five years older than my brothers and I and ruthless when it comes to the business. His goal is ultimately to learn what I do so he can become me. Or at least, who wouldn’t want to be me?

“A fool,” Fluffy says, causing me to smirk.

“This isn’t the time for games, Ben. I came here for an important?—”

I fix him with a glare, and his mouth slams shut so fast his moustache bounces up and down. I might be the runt—but I’m still an alpha werewolf.

“This phone rings for one person—my mate. You could be bleeding out or in the middle of getting CPR from me, and I’d still stop what I was doing to answer that call. She is more important than whatever fire you need me to put out.”

David’s eyes widen as his tanned skin pales ever so slightly. His black pupils seem to pulse as they practically encompass the light blue iris. What a shame.

“As you should,” Fluffy says firmly, nodding at me. “Maybe we should make him bleed out just for the rudeness where our mate is concerned. I know that would make me feel better.”

I smirk as David takes a step back, and I reach over to grab my phone. I slide my thumb across the screen to answer Maia’s call and put it to my ear. I hope she called me first—Seb doesn’t deserve that honour.

“Was I your first call? I bet I—” I start, a grin on my face at the obvious discomfort on David’s face. His bushy brows are furrowed together, and he glances at the door as if looking for an escape.

“Ben, I need your help.” Maia’s voice rushes across the line, and she sounds almost excited. She’s breathless, and there’s a hitch in her throat.

“Oh, I like the sound of this. Do you think she’s masturbating?” Fluffy asks. I know if he were the one in control of our body, he’d be rubbing his hands together at the picture Maia’s small sounds are creating.

“With Phoebe in the room? Doubt it.”

He lets out a huff, and I smirk.

“The better Wolfe brother is at your services, pretty girl,” I say, winking at David. A red blush covers his unusually pale cheeks, and he casts his blue eyes downwards as he tries to pretend he’s not listening. “What do you need from me?”

“I need you to be serious.” Her voice breaks, and I hear what I first missed. She’s not excited or horny.

My mate is fucking terrified.

“Fuck!” I roar at Fluffy. “Where the fuck is Topher?”

My wolf is just as on edge as I am, and he doesn’t have the answers. “She’s not horny, Ben. She’s scared.”

“I can be serious.” I can be so fucking serious, she’ll think I’m a different man.

She presumably nods, and I can just imagine her huddling in on herself in the way she does when she’s overwhelmed. “Topher has just lost it. He growled at the doctor, and I’m scared. Phoebe and I are in the feeding room at the surgery, but I think…”

She trails off, and I hear her sniffling down the line. It causes my stomach to churn, and I’ve got to push back the feeling of my own anxiety so that I can focus on her.

My mate is terrified.

“I don’t know what the fuck Topher thought he was doing. Leaving her alone and not calling us for the emergency is stupid. He should’ve let us know what was going down, after he got her safe,” I rant. “She’s with Phoebe. Alone. She’s terrified and alone.”

“Fuck!” Fluffy yells, not even focusing on what I’ve said as he has his own meltdown. “Mate is in danger. She’s scared. Mate and pup need us.”

I’ve already stood from the desk, giving David a dirty look when he opens his mouth to protest again. Maia is trying to calm herself down, and I impatiently wait for her to tell me what’s happening.

She whispers so low a human would miss it with their inferior hearing. “I think Dr Thomas is a werewolf.”

“Fuck. Call Seb and tell him it’s an emergency.”

I storm out of my office and stride towards Alex’s, knowing I need him with me for whatever this may be. David is hot on my heels, but I don’t have time for my assistant right now. The business could burn to the ground, and I would not give a single fuck.

“Are you safe?” I ask.

“I think so.” She’s collected herself a little, but I can still hear the trembling in her voice.
