Page 82 of Baby's First Howl

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My body is already in fight mode, and I’m shaking with the sheer intensity of my anger.

Topher’s on the list, not far behind the fucking doctor. I’m furious with my brother.

“I hope Topher saves us a bite of that doctor.”

“If he wants me to even hear him out after the way he’s handled this, then he better,” I snarl back.

“Good girl,” I say, keeping my tone as calm and soft as I can. She’s got the hardest job right now. She’s alone with my daughter in a very dangerous position, and instilling her with as much calm and confidence as I can is key. “Alex and I will be there in ten minutes, okay?”

“Okay.” Her voice is so meek, so quiet, and I hang up the phone, nearly crushing it with my anger. I jog up to Alex’s office and kick the door open. Fuck waiting around.

My brother jumps up from his desk, a scowl on his face, which fades into irritation when he realises it’s me. “I don’t have the time for this today. We’ve got?—”

“Make the time.” His mouth opens to protest, but I don’t give him the chance. I don’t often think that I’m an alpha, but I am. I’m an alpha Wolfe just like the rest of them, and they need to start taking me seriously. “We need to get to the doctor’s office. Now.”

David rushes in behind me, panting away like the unfit wolf he is, but neither my brother nor I pay him much attention.

“Why? What’s going on with Maia and Phoebe?” Alex grabs his phone and groans, looking up at me sadly. “She tried to call me.”

“He seriously doesn’t have her as able to bypass his DND?” I demand, and Fluffy snorts. “He’s such a terrible mate.”

“The doctor is a werewolf. Topher’s alone with him, and Maia is still on site.”

He curses. “Where exactly is my mate and child?”

“You never announced—” David starts, and I turn to face him, letting out a loud growl as Fluffy pushes forward to exude my dominance. David’s jaw slams shut as he averts his eyes in submission.

“Now is not the time for whatever bullshit you think you’re entitled to,” Fluffy says. David nods, keeping his neck on display. Fluffy turns to Alex. “She needs us—they both do.”

“Work with Addy and get our schedules cancelled,” Alex says to David as he grabs his jacket. “We’re going to have to run there. It’s faster.” I nod. “Have we got Seb looped in?”

“Maia’s calling him. He’s still got my number blocked,” I say as Fluffy retreats and lets me take over once more. “You ready?”

Alex nods, and the two of us leave his office, charging down the stairs as fast as we can. We shift into our werewolf form at the doorway and charge through the town, racing to find cover when we leave the wolf-only areas.

I know without a doubt that I’ve never reached these speeds before, but when it comes to doing something for Maia or Phoebe, an impossibility is just another limit I’ve not yet broken.

My legs nearly give way, and Fluffy has to push forward to regain control. I feel sick at the thought of my two girls being trapped there. The thought of this man even knowing them.

“She’s going to be terrified,” I say, hating how weak I feel right now. I’m trying to emit the alpha energy, I’m trying my fucking hardest, but I’m failing.

Because, deep down, I’m not strong enough.

“You are strong and capable. Ruthless and dangerous,” Fluffy says.

But we both know that’s him. As the runt, I’m far too emotionally led, and I’m not strong enough on my own.

“But Maia is. She’s strong. So strong. Our mate will protect our pup until we’re there to help her, until we’re there to take over and protect them both,” Fluffy says calmly. “And then we’re going to rip this doctor’s head from his shoulders to teach everyone what happens when they mess with our mate.”

“It’s time to shift back,” Alex says as we near the town. I give a bark of agreement and follow him into the trees. The two of us shift to our human forms, adjust our clothes, then run the rest of the way.

As promised, we arrived in around ten minutes, but I know, for Maia, it probably felt like an eternity. The room is chaotic and busy, and there are no unfamiliar wolves in the room I can smell. Both Topher and Seb have strong scents, the easily identifiable hint of Wolfe that we all share alerting me to their presence. The scent for Toph is faded, meaning he’s not been in the waiting room for a little bit, but Seb’s is very recent.

“How is Dr Thomas not a prevalent smell?” I demand of my wolf.

“Maybe he doesn’t come into this room,” Fluffy replies. “Or maybe it’s been a while since he has. Once Seb gets a lock on him, there’s nowhere that man can go without us knowing.”

“Where are you?” I ask, pushing my way into Seb’s mind. I can feel the annoyance from both Seb and Kane, but he doesn’t voice it. This is an emergency, and they know it.

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