Page 55 of Flurry

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It’s not lost on me that I was lucky in that department. My dad was gone a lot, but I never questioned his love and commitment to our family. Callie’s situation makes it more evident. Zander has said he had it easier in some ways because he was gone for hockey so often. Callie is stuck there in that house with a volatile man.

There isn’t much I can offer in ways to get Callie removed from her father, but I have promised to help however I can once she’s here. If that happens. Zander doesn’t believe his mother will come along, which would make him a single dad of sorts, who happens to spend as much time on the road as he does at home.

As soon as I walk into the café, I see Sadie waving from a window overlooking the lake. She jumps up and down, making sure she has my attention.

“I lost a tooth,” she exclaims when I get to her.

“No way, let me see?” She smiles wide, showing a new gap. “Goodness, that’s a big hole!”

“I know! It looks so cool.”

“Because you are so cool,” I tell her. “Hey, sis.”

“Hi,” Isla says. “I ordered margaritas.”

“Thank fuck.”

“Ooh, Auntie, you can’t say that.”

“Sorry, squirt. I’ll do better.”

“Good girl,” she tells me, making me giggle. “Mom, do they have potato tacos here?”

“Yes, that’s what you got last time. Remember?”

“No, but that’s what I want. And beans! And chips with green salsa, not the red.”

“Got it,” Isla tells her.

Our drinks arrive and we order food. Sadie occupies herself watching boats on the water and making up stories of mermaids who have fish friends.

“How are things with Zander?”

“Good, I think. I’ve missed him since they left on this road trip. Which is new, I guess.”

“Did he tell you we spoke the day after the gala?”

“No,” I say, wondering what she’s getting at. “He’s your best friend, I imagine you talk often.”

“This was specific. It was about you and your relationship.”

“Why?” It’s not weird that they’d talk about it. I talk to Kit about my relationships, it’s what friends do. But Isla sounds far too concerned for it to have been a normal friendly discussion.

“I overheard something at the gala that made me uncomfortable,” she hedges.

“I’m a big girl, Isla. Spit it out.”

“Don’t spit,” Sadie says. “That’s what Daddy does when he plays hockey. It’s so gross.”

Her esses hiss through her holey mouth. Isla waits for Sadie to start talking to her imaginary water creatures before she turns back to me.

“Audrey was there. She works in the PR department. Zan was talking to her and the photographer about the benefit of having pictures of the two of you.”

Oh. That’s not what I expected. I’m not sure what I expected, but not that.

“I can see how it would benefit him right now,” I start. “Why not include me in that conversation?”

“That’s what I wanted to know,” Isla says. “When it didn’t seem like you were in on the plan, I asked him about it. We argued.”
