Page 34 of The Alpha's Mystery

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Excited chatter starts as everyone makes their way to the tables and takes an empty seat.

“I hate you for this,” Billy mutters, dragging his feet as he walks to his table like it’s a plank. Laughing, I watch as he reluctantly plonks himself down at the end of the row, and two women jostle to get into the chair opposite him, neither picking up on the expression of dread on his face, nor the general air of misery he’s giving off.

Sam stands on a chair, now in charge of the bell and loving it. “Your time starts… now!”

The clanging sets off a cacophony of small talk around the room, and I feel my spirits lift at the sight of so many people out having fun. Life doesn’t have to be all work and family woes. I need to get out and do stuff like this more often. Chase Walker might hate me, but there are plenty more fish in the sea.

Turning to face the man opposite me, I smile. Simon, his badge reads. He’s not from around here so we fall into an easy chat about where we live and what we do for work. Perfectly nice, Simon is good-looking in an entirely different way than Chase. Clean cut and preppy, he doesn’t have the same rugged hardness to his features. Or that hard edge to his personality.

Stop thinking about Chase.

I give myself a mental rap for letting my thoughts linger on Chase and comparing the man across from me to that jerk. Why am I measuring anyone up to the guy who’s been stalking me and insulting me? He had the nerve to act as if I did something wrong by leaving him in Black River after he followed me there!

I should be relieved that Simon is nothing like him.

Simon gets a chuckle or two from me after telling me all about his teenage nieces that railroaded him into coming here tonight and as the bell sounds again, I decide to write down his name and badge number. He looks thrilled when he sees me putting a tick on my page and gives me a massive smile as he gets up to move to the next woman. My bear chuffs, telling me she’s not that enthused at the idea of having Simon in our bed. Well tough, she might not have any say in the matter.

Glancing over at Billy, I’m happy to see he’s at least being polite. He shakes hands with the woman across from him, which isn’t a sign that he’s found the future love of his life, but he is smiling and enjoying a beer, which is a start.



Laughter floats across the room from a couple hitting it off, and I smile when I see it’s Billy’s date, tears streaming down her face at some story he’s telling.

At least they’re having a good time.

As the evening goes on, he’s unwinding, while I’ve become more and more distracted and anxious. Under the table, I wipe my sweaty palms with a napkin and squirm. I shouldn’t have left Chase last night.

What if he reports me?

Maybe that’s why he hasn’t come to give out to me yet, he’s planning to sue me or charge me with false imprisonment. Mitch will kill me if I bring any more trouble to his doorstep.

I need to find him and apologise, much as it will pain me to do it. It’s better than losing my job.

I’m about to stand, when the wolf shifter across from me shoots out a hand and grabs my wrist. My skin feels overly sensitive, and I pull against his grip, not wanting to make a scene but uncomfortable with how his hand burns my skin. His touch is definitely not welcome.

“You barely listened to a word I said and now you’re going to leave?” he snarls, fury shining bright in his eyes.

This is another man who isn’t from Grey Ridge, but in this case, I’m glad I’ve never come across him. Even if I’m not the best company this evening, his reaction is unacceptable. There’s something off about him and I make a mental note to find out more about who he is before Sam passes anyone’s information on to him. He’s giving me the creeps.

“I suggest you let go of my wrist, Alan. You remember what my job is, right? I’d hate to have to end your night early.” Smiling sweetly, I let my claws come out a little and stick them into his soft flesh, enjoying as his eyes tighten at the sides from the pain. He releases me, rubbing a hand over and back across the small wounds on his skin.

With venom in his tone, he hisses bitterly, “Just like a filthy fucking Lennox to throw their weight around.”

Definitely not in the mood to listen to this guy, I’m about to excuse myself to go to the bathroom, intending to make an Irish exit through the kitchen, when the tantalising scent of the last person I want to see right now hits me. With a loud bang, the door opens and hits the wall as Chase barges inside. Chest heaving, his eyes scan the rows of people sitting and chatting amiably, landing on me.

Silver blazes behind his dark lashes and I swallow hard, readying myself for the shit storm I can tell is coming my way. I thought being in public was a good idea. It’s not.

As though there’s nobody else in the room, Chase sets his laser focused sights on me and stomps past the carefully arranged rows of tables. Everyone looks up as the dark energy pouring off him disturbs the happy vibe in the bar. Sam sounds the bell and I give Alan a nasty look when he’s slow to get out of his chair and move along the row. A friendly shifter named Elliott smiles at me and lingers, ready to take the chair opposite me.

Doing us all a favour without realising it, Chase grabs the back of Alan’s shirt and pulls him out of his chair. Elliott seems to think Chase is some kind of speed-dating monitor and thanks him for his help, attempting to take the freshly vacated seat. Chase nudges him aside and slides in before him, jaw clenched so hard I can see the tendons flexing under his skin.

“Rude,” I comment.

Ignoring his presence as best I can, I turn to start up a conversation with the very confused Elliott, who is still standing beside Chase, not sure what to do. Rage pours from Chase and his eyes look wild. I can’t blame Elliott when he slowly backs away.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Chase snarls, sweeping his arm around at the crowd.

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