Page 41 of The Alpha's Mystery

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She nods, already drifting off again, and pats my cheek, never lifting her head off the pillow or opening her eyes. Dressed and ready to go, I stand watching her from the door. The now familiar stalkerish side of me is unhappy at leaving. Like last night, it’s trying to convince me that something bad will happen if I let her out of my sight.

Steeling myself, I turn away. I will be back. I just hope that what I find while I’m gone doesn’t ruin what this is between us before it’s really begun.



Holding my breath, I watch as the shadow under my door pauses.

He’s standing right there, debating what to do even though he already told me he has to leave. My heart drops to my stomach when he turns and walks away, even though that’s what I want him to do. The front door opening and closing causes my bear to growl in displeasure.

She wants more. Of course she does, she’s decided he’s ours.

Which is all well and good in theory, but Chase Walker has no idea what that really means.

Pulling the thin bedsheet up over my head, I scream through gritted teeth, kicking my feet and thumping the mattress with clenched fists in frustration. As soon as he set foot inside, I should have thrown him out. What was I thinking letting him inside my den? That line about checking to make sure I was okay obliterated the last bit of resistance I had. My bear submitted and it was game over.

My cheeks burn as I remember how I writhed and begged for him. I’m already heating up again at the memories of what we did and the intoxicating scent surrounding me, clinging to my sheets. This is bad. Really bad.

I dash into the bathroom to wash the smell of Chase off my skin, because my bear loves it far too much. It’s making it impossible for me to think. The water hitting my body intensifies his scent briefly, and my knees buckle. Bracing one arm against the cold tiles, I tip my head back and curse him to the heavens as my nipples tighten and my pussy heats at the thought of him crowding over me, big, strong and in control.

Ignoring the temptation to pleasure myself, I focus my energy on forcing him out of my mind. I need a plan. Scrubbing my skin pink to ensure no trace of him is left on me, I let my bear’s disappointment disappear down the drain and get practical about last night. There was a reason Chase was drawn here and a reason we couldn’t resist each other.

And that means there are bigger problems to deal with before I can work out how to break the news about what I am to Chase.

It’s more than just a physical attraction. It’s even more than fated mates. My heat is coming, and it’s coming fast. For bears, our heat comes in cycles, twice a year, steady as clockwork. This is not the right time.

Which means I need to get out of here fast, because if Chase is anywhere near me when this comes on full force, he’ll be marked, mated, and expecting a cub before he even knows that shifters exist.

Pulling out my phone, I fire off a message to Leah:

NATALIE: I have to leave. You’re on your own.



A video called HOLYSH!T2 is sitting in my inbox when I rush through my apartment and snap open my laptop.

Fucking Van. We’ll have to come up with a proper naming system when we’re officially in business.

While it loads, I call Van and put him on speaker, forcing myself to sit still on the couch and not pace. My skin is crawling, a feeling of dread and anticipation making me unusually restless. I should be with Natalie, not here. My gaze flicks to the window and I frown. I can’t relax.

“Did you watch it?” Van answers my call on the first ring. This must be really good.

“No, I’m just getting it up now.” My leg bounces nervously as I press play and stare at the black and white image of the hallway in Zoe’s veterinary clinic. Suddenly, the side door is wrenched open and Zoe sprints inside. She slams it closed behind her, whirling around, looking left and right in panic. After grabbing something from the storage closet, she races into her office and closes the door.

“I’ll hang on while you watch.” Van’s tone is grave and my stomach drops.

Van has already spliced the footage to show me the most important bits. Cursing, I dig my fingers into the back of my neck and force myself to watch the rest.

It’s tough viewing.

It’s one thing to have read the reports of Hayley’s attack; watching Zoe’s in action is much harder. I know the sequence of events from my interrogation of Zoe and the detailed police reports. Two intruders, a struggle with Blake, none of this is a surprise even if it’s unpleasant to watch.

“We should hire him,” I mutter, watching Blake lift one of the attackers off the ground and toss him into the wall like a rag doll. Go, Blake. The guy is stronger than he looks. I internally cheer Blake on as he rams someone’s head into a wall despite the injury to his leg. “Did they try to hide the video because they think Blake used excessive force? I think he got it spot on.”

Relaxing a little, relieved to see no sign of Zoe sprouting fur or claws, I glance at the time. I can get a couple of hours with my sister at the lodge and find Natalie again by the afternoon. Maybe I should ask her out for dinner like a normal person.
