Page 63 of The Alpha's Mystery

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“I’m so confused.” Holding my arms out and away from them, I look at the tops of their heads in stunned silence.

“Shut up,” Leah elbows me in the ribs and I finally relax my arms, wrapping one around each of my sisters and holding them tight. It’s so good to be home.

“If you’ve both gotten over being pissed with me, I need your help.” My serious tone catches their attention, and they draw back, Hayley with a curious gleam in her eye. “I want to propose to Natalie, and what the fuck do I know about making big romantic gestures?”

Hayley’s eyes widen, and she stretches up on her tiptoes. “Oh, my god, did she tell you?”

Stepping closer, I narrow my eyes at her. Hayley had a nice little chat with my mate last night. What secrets does she know that I don’t?

“Tell me what?” At my deep, serious tone, Hayley drops back to the flats of her feet.

“About Cooper’s ring,” Leah fills in. “Because Hayley can’t mark Cooper, he wore a ring so it was clear he was off the market. To combat the mating bond’s psycho jealousy, and all that.”

Leah’s so calm I’m immediately suspicious.

“But I bit her. She doesn’t need a ring. I just want her to have one.”

At the end of the day, I’m still human. And when I was abroad, fighting, I imagined my future wife. I pictured asking her to accept me as the right man for her.

Maybe we’re past that, but the image is still firmly planted in my head.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot. Ignore us then.” Leah bustles me over to the dining table. “So, tell us what you were thinking. If anyone can make it happen, it’ll be us.”



Van moves his screen an inch one way, then back the other.

He ducks his head, then slides into his chair, leaning back, then leaning forward, to ensure the positioning is perfect. When he’s finally happy, he runs a hand over the desk and smiles. “All done.”

“Thank, fuck,” Tripp mutters, pushing off the desk beside me. It’s taken us two full days to get all of Van’s equipment into our new building and set up, and we’ve nearly come to blows countless times.

“This place is looking good,” Natalie comments, looking impressed as she sweeps through the room toward the private offices at the back. Leaning on Van’s door frame, she grins at me as she admires the space, complete with an area for Van to do his physio and stretches without venturing too far from his beloved computers.

I’m up off my chair immediately, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. As I drag her from the room, she waves at Tripp and Van. “Bye, boys.”

“Don’t talk to them first. I haven’t seen you since yesterday.” Slamming the door to my office, I crowd her toward my desk, eyes fixed on the strategically open buttons on her white silk blouse.

“Chase, it’s 10 am. It hasn’t even been twelve hours.” Natalie laughs, exasperated, as her thighs hit wood and I step between her legs, her ass hitting my desk.

“Doesn’t matter. I swear these have gotten bigger again.” My hands find their way to her breasts without thinking, taking their weight in my palm as I stare at the fullness of them spilling over the top of her bra.

“That’s not possible,” she mutters, distracted as I scoot her backward so I can open her legs further. “You’re just imagining things.”

“Not,” I mumble defiantly, dipping my head to lick and kiss her neck while my fingers work the buttons currently blocking my access.

“Chase… I didn’t come here to get felt up in your office. I came here because Dean needs to know whether you’re going to enter the Alpha Games. It’s on in two weeks.”

She says she’s not here to be felt up, but then why is she wearing skin tight black jeans and white, when she knows that’s my favourite colour on her?

“Not going.” Kissing her is my favourite thing. My normally feisty mate melts when I kiss her and it does something to me every time. “I don’t have a wolf. Hate people.”

Natalie chuckles but pulls back. “But you do like to boss people around. And I bet if you entered, your wolf would appear.” Grabbing my face between her hands as I continue to ignore her words, and, instead, rock my hard length against her, she speaks to me as though she’s explaining something to a toddler. “This never happens, Chase. It’s a once in a lifetime experience.”

She’s genuinely worried I might regret missing this chance, so I reluctantly remove my hands from her body and duck down so she can see I’ve thought about this.

“I’m certain Natalie. This is what I’ve been working towards for years. A pack means a lot of responsibility, hundreds of people to manage. I don’t want that. I want my friends, and I want you. And I also want to be able to get away if it all gets to be too much.”
