Page 25 of Lottie

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“I could.” But holding that over her head felt a little too much like blackmail for his tastes. “But no. If you decide to walk out of here without going through with your punishment, then that’s that. You’ll still be coming to work for me, to pay off your debt, but I won’t hold it against you if you don’t consent to being disciplined.”

For several tense seconds, they simply stared at each other until she finally sighed. “Fuck. Fine. Yes, Sir. I understand. And consent.”

“Good girl.” Straightening, he held out his hand to her. “Let’s go get all those lies washed out of your mouth, and then you can have your spanking.”

Nose wrinkling with distaste, Lottie pouted up at him. “Couldn’t you just spank me for all of it?”

“I believe the punishment should fit the crime. When your mouth gets you in trouble, your mouth pays the price.”

Of course, if she’d been his, her mouth would be paying the price in an entirely different manner. But if he let himself think about that too hard, he was going to end up doing something he’d regret for the rest of his life. His very short life, if Emmett ever got wind of what was happening here tonight.

“It wasn’t even a very big lie,” she grumbled under her breath as she pushed to her feet, completely ignoring his hand.

“Maybe not to you.” Opening the door to the bathroom just off his office, he nudged her inside and flipped on the light. “But I take my members’ safety very seriously. And I can’t protect them if I let just anyone through the door.”

As he knelt to pull a small bar of hotel soap from the cabinet below the sink, she huffed out an annoyed breath. “But I’m not just anyone. Would you have even needed to run a background check? Really, I was just saving us all some time.”

He paused in the middle of unwrapping the bar to shoot her a hard glare. “You can keep looking for a loophole, Charlotte, but I promise you won’t find one with me.”

“That’s not what I’m… fine,” she admitted with a roll of her eyes when he raised an eyebrow at her. “But it’s still true!”

“Regardless of how well we know each other, I still put all of my members through the same vetting process. So, no, you weren’t saving anyone time. And not only have you gotten yourself in trouble, Vivian has an appointment with Master James once her shift is over tomorrow.” Inspiration struck, and he just managed to smirk. “I’m tempted to make you watch her punishment to help you remember not to involve other people in your lies going forward.”

“What? But that’s not fair! She didn’t do anything wrong!”

That much was partially true. He couldn’t fault Vivian for not wanting to stand up to a literal mob boss, or to someone who claimed to be close personal friends with her own boss. Which he planned to discuss with her before her scene, so she wouldn’t be carrying any unnecessary guilt with her.

Luckily for him, Vivian was a hardcore masochist, and a fantastic actress. If he asked her to put on a show for Charlotte, she would gladly do so, and she would enjoy every second of Master James’ attentions.

“Vivian knows what her duties are,” he said, deliberately keeping his voice stern so he could watch the indignant fury spark in Charlotte’s eyes. “And your lie encouraged her to circumvent those duties. You need to learn that your actions have consequences, Charlotte, and sometimes those consequences hurt other people.”

Flipping the tap on, he ran the bar under the water until it was good and slick, then held it up to her mouth. “Open.” When her mouth pressed into a thin line, he let his expression harden and put a good bit of steel behind his next words. “Open, Charlotte. You won’t enjoy what happens if I have to make you.”

“Right, because I’m going to like this so?—”

He took advantage of her mouthing off to shove the bar of soap between her teeth. She immediately tried to spit it out, but he wrapped her hair around his fist, holding her head in place and the soap in her mouth.

“Settle down.” The words were a whip crack of authority, designed to bring even the naughtiest subbies to heel.

It didn’t work.

Fury turned the pale gray of her eyes to storm clouds as she fought against his hold for all she was worth. And as he was wrestling her into submission, a blinding pain, fiercer than anything he’d ever experienced, shot straight through from his groin through every nerve ending in his body.

“Jesus Christ!” Dropping the soap and her hair, he grabbed his crotch, manfully fighting back the urge to whimper.

The little brat had kneed him in the balls.

It took him several deep breaths to realize she was scooping water into her mouth and spitting into the sink. When he finally had the pain under control, he straightened, wrapping her ponytail around his hand again to pull her up so that her head was tilted back, her smug gaze meeting his.

“You are going to pay for that, little girl.”




Maybe a knee to the crotch wasn’t the best choice of action when a man held the fate of your ass in his hands, but she hadn’t even meant to do it. She’d just wanted to get away from that godawful soap, and the self-defense courses Portia had insisted they all take back in high school had kicked and the next thing she knew he was bent in half, groaning in pain.
