Page 101 of Redeeming 6

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Well, shit.

“Are you going to tell me about it?”


“Ciara Maloney’s boyfriend,” I hinted, lips twitching when he made no move to comply. “Some fella from Tommen beat the shit out of him in town yesterday.”

“Oh?” He shrugged noncommittally. “Is that so?”

I smirked. “Yeah, it is.”

“Well, I hope he fucked him up,” he finally offered, folding his arms across his chest. “Heard his girlfriend’s a bitch.”

“I heard he was in a bad way,” I replied evenly. “Broken nose and a few stitches.”

“How awful.” Kav’s tone was dripping with disdain, his eyes void of any empathy—or regret.

“Anyway, I just wanted you to know I appreciate that my sister has someone looking out for her when I can’t.”

“No problem.”

“A friend,” I said slowly, watching his reaction. “My sister needs a friend, Kavanagh. She doesn’t need to be getting her hopes up on a guy who’ll be gone come the summer.”

Or her heart broken.

“I won’t hurt her, Joey.”

The sincerity in his voice and the vulnerable look in his eyes assured me that not only was my sister’s heart on the line here, but so was his.

Poor fucker had gone and caught himself some big old feelings.

For my sister, of all people.

Go figure.


“I think you’re right about them,” I said when I climbed back into the driver’s seat.

“I usually am,” Molloy mused as she looked through the stack of CD cases in her hands. “But indulge me anyway.”

“That big overgrown fucker?” Fastening my seatbelt, I started the car and turned to look at her. “Yeah, I’m fairly sure he’s banging my sister.”

“No way!” Throwing her head back, she laughed. “Go Shannon.”

“She’s fifteen.”

“Oh please.” She rolled her eyes at me. “Like you’re in the position to throw stones.”

“Exactly,” I bit out, driving down the tree-lined lane toward the road. “We all know what a shit show fifteen was for me. Shannon should be learning by my mistakes, not following in my footsteps.”

“She’s sixteen tomorrow,” she reminded me.

“Worse still,” I groaned. “Sixteen was another train wreck of a year for me.”

“Hey!” Molloy folded her arms across her chest and huffed out a breath. “I take offense to that statement.”

