Page 267 of Redeeming 6

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I could hear her. I could feel her hands on my face. Her breath on my cheek. But I just… I couldn’t fucking focus.

“What did you take?” Her voice was in my ear again. “I know you’re drunk, and I can smell the weed off you, but there’s more, isn’t there? What was it? What did they give you?”

I couldn’t answer her. Because I couldn’t remember what I’d taken. I didn’t even know where I was. Hell, my lips didn’t feel like they were working.

I was coming down from a high, crashing hard and fast. Shivering violently, I tried to curl up and die. Maybe if I held my breath, the pain would stop. My heart would just give up.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, wincing when her disappointment rained down on me like verbal bullets. “Please don’t hate me.”

Hemorrhaging vomit and bile, I battled with the nausea attacking my senses, while desperately trying to survive the agonizing burning sensation flushing through my system.

Don’t hate me.

I hate me.

I hate me.

I hate me.


As the fog in my mind lifted, and I slowly registered my surroundings, I realized that I was bollocks naked in Johnny Kavanagh’s bathroom, with his creepy bastard of a flanker lifting me out of the shower.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I snarled, staggering away from him, only to collapse on my ass in a heap.

They were talking to me, fucking shouting at me, but I couldn’t make out a word of it. I knew that I was responding because my lips were moving, but I had no fucking clue of what was coming out of my mouth. It was a vulnerable position to be in, to be so unhinged that I was unable to control the words coming out of my mouth.

Everything was so intense.

Everything hurt.

Body racked with tremors, I tried to control my breathing as flashbacks of the past two weeks slowly came back to me.









Fucking pain.

Repressing the urge to scream, I clutched my head in my hands and tried to stop the room from spinning. The pain between my eyes was so severe it made me feel faint. I could hear the Dub giving me shit, talking down to me like I was a piece of shit, and he was right. I absolutely was.

He loves your sister, my brain told me through the fog and the withdrawals. She’s not on her own anymore.

Mind reeling, I tried to piece together everything he was saying with the events that had happened, but my fucked-up mind wasn’t complying. My tongue was spewing poison, giving away too many family secrets to this lad, but I wasn’t in control anymore. I’d lost myself somewhere along the way.

All I could remember was Shannon slumped on that kitchen floor and the blood coming out of her mouth.
