Page 49 of Redeeming 6

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Heart sinking, I covered our joined hands with my free one.

“She looked at me like it was my fault.”

“Your mam?”

Another stiff nod.

My heart squeezed. I knew that he didn’t need me to bombard him with questions, much less did he want my pity or comfort, so I just stared at him, watching as his clear, green eyes focused on my mine.

“She hates me,” he finally came out with, his words a pained admission. “You should see the way she looks at me.”

Pain encompassed me and I rolled onto my side, facing him. “What do you see when I look at you?”

He flinched. “That’s not the—”

“What do you see, Joe?”

“You,” he whispered brokenly. “I see you, Molloy.”

“You see love,” I corrected softly, releasing his hand to cup his stubbly cheek. “You see acceptance.”

He swallowed but didn’t reply.

“We’re mirrors, Joe,” I told him, taking his hand and placing it on my cheek. “Everything you feel for me is reciprocated. It’s mirroring back at you.”


“Your mother might be foolish enough to disregard you, but that will never happen from me,” I whispered, shifting closer until our noses were brushing. “I will never reject your love.”

He exhaled and whispered, “I’m really fucking drowning here, Aoife.”

“Don’t worry, Joe. I won’t let that happen,” I replied, nuzzling his nose with mine. “I won’t let your head go under.”


I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I promise.”

“I love you.”

“I love you back.”

“I’m going to get this right, Molloy.”

“I know you are, Joe.”

“You’re really sticking around, aren’t ya?”

“Afraid so.” I smiled in the darkness. “For the ring. The white dress. The white picket fence. The whole nine yards.”

“Jesus.” He chuckled. “Don’t push it.”

“I always push it, Joe.”

“Understatement of the century, Molloy.”

“When we get engaged—”

“We’re not getting engaged.”
