Page 60 of Redeeming 6

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We both froze.

I locked eyes on Joey. “Oh…”

“Shit,” he finished for me, eyes growing wide as saucers.

“Hey, T-Daddy. I was just looking for Aoife.”

“Ah, she’ll be over at the Dinniman around this time of the evening. Any sign of young Joey around the place?”

“Aw, Jesus Christ.” Joey practically whimpered as he hastily slid his arms back into his overalls and fell out of the driver’s door and swiftly slammed it shut behind him, leaving me hidden behind the tinted windows. “I’m here, Tony.”

“What were ya doing in John Kavanagh’s old doll’s pride and joy, boyo?”

“Just, ah, getting a feel for it.” There was a brief pause before he added, “Closest I’ll ever get to sitting behind the wheel of a Range Rover.”

“I know the feeling, boyo.”

“You’re back early.”

“I only went and forgot my wallet, didn’t I?”


“Not completely. Come on into the office for a cuppa, and let me tell ya about this old doll I met broken down on the road.”

A few moments later, the passenger door swung open and I was faced with a grinning Casey. “Okay, the coast is clear. Daddy took Baby Daddy to the office.”

“Baby Daddy?”

“It was a joke, babe. Chill.”

“Not funny, Case.”

Blowing out a shaky breath, I readjusted my skirt and scrambled out of the car, hunching low as I crept toward the exit, resisting the urge to tumble and roll in my bid to escape. A relieved laugh escaped me when we reached the footpath. “God, that was close.”

“You know,” Casey mused, falling into step beside me, “I should be mad at you for blowing me off to blow him, but I’m going to let you off the hook this time since he has such a pretty come face.”

“You didn’t see his come face.”

“Maybe not, but if those flushed cheeks are anything to go by, then I can use my imagination.”

“Casey,” I warned. “Don’t be looking at him like that.”

“Like what?” She laughed, holding her hands up. “Like he’s the epitome of sex on legs? Because, news flash, Aoife, the boy is divine.”

“The boy is mine,” I warned. “So, find some other epitome to admire.”

“Oh, retract the claws.” Hooking an arm around my neck, she pulled me in for a side-hug. “You know I would never ever ever in a million years go there.”

“Hmm.” Reaching into the pocket of my skirt, I withdrew a lollipop and tore off the wrapper. “It just irks me sometimes, you know?” Sticking the pop into my mouth, I dropped my head to rest on hers and mumbled, “He’s been with a lot of girls from school, Case. A lot of them.”

“So, he enjoyed himself,” she said. “Name one boy in our year that hasn’t.”

“There’s enjoying yourself, and there’s spreading yourself thin, Case.”

“Babe.” Sobering her features, she gave me a sympathetic look. “Don’t let those kinds of thoughts in. They’ll only screw up your happy little love bubble.”

“Yeah, I know.”
