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“What?” I demanded.

Gibsie released a sigh. “He was fucking with Shannon outside the jacks.” He scrubbed his face with his hand. “Trying to get her to go in the bathroom with him.”

My entire body tensed as a red hazy fog clouded my vision. I’d been mad as hell with Gibsie over the stunt he pulled at lunch yesterday, but right now, I was grateful for his meddling.

Tossing the ice pack on the ground, I glared out the window and snarled, “You’re fucking kidding me!”

“Nope. He got a little shitty with her, too,” Gibsie added, glaring out through the glass at McGarry. “Apparently McGarry has an issue with his hearing because the girl clearly told him no.”

My legs were moving before my brain had a chance to catch up.

I warned him. I bleeding warned that little shite to leave her alone.

I was going to kill that little fucker.

“Don’t,” Gibsie warned as he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. “She’s right over there, lad.”

I swung around to find a wide-eyed Shannon staring back at me.

She looked terrified.

“For fuck’s sake,” I groaned, quickly turning away so I didn’t see the fear in her big blue eyes.

All day, I’d been trying my best to keep my distance, but fucking McGarry had just screwed with that.

I hated him.

It was a strong word, but an accurate one when assessing my feelings toward the prick.

I warned him to stay away from her, and he went and did it anyway. Maybe once I used my fists instead of my words, he’d take me seriously. If he didn’t, we were going to have an even bigger problem.

Turning back to Ronan, I hissed, “I’m going to give you a five-second head start, prickface, and then I’m going to cut your cock off and feed it to you.”

“Fuck you, Kavanagh,” McGarry spat out. “You can’t touch me.”

“One,” I snarled, grabbing ahold of the door handle. “Two, three, four…”

“What are you waiting for?” Gibs chuckled, making shooing gestures with his hands. “Get going, Forrest.”

“Five,” I snarled, then yanked the door open.

McGarry shot off like a scalded dog, running at top speed. He could move as fast as his legs could carry him and he still couldn’t outrun me.

Injured or not, I was a goddamn bullet.

“I’m sorry,” he roared over his shoulder as he pounded through the courtyard. “Stop—I’m sorry! I won’t go near her again.”

“Too little too late, asshole,” I shot back, closing in on him. Reaching out, I caught ahold of the back of his jersey and pulled him to an abrupt stop.

“Get off me,” he hissed, bucking against my hold.

“Come here, ya little shit,” I barked as I dragged him up the steps to the P.E. hall.

“Stop him,” Ronan screeched at Gibsie, who had trailed after us. “Gibs, come on, lad.”

“Fat chance of that happening, kid,” Gibsie called back. “Unlike your stupid ass, I’m not suicidal and have no intention of putting myself in the firing line.”

Stalking into the hall, I marched down the corridor and slammed my palm against the changing room door, pushing it open.
