Page 163 of Binding 13

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“That’s good to know,” I mused, and then I reached over the table, fisted his school jumper, and slammed my fist into his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?” the lad snarled, doubling over.

“I’m playing by the rules, asshole,” I spat out as I dragged him out over the table and hit him again.

Both girls started screaming and flailing around.

One of his friends made to move toward me.

“I fucking dare ya,” I snarled, as I continued to smack the shit out of his buddy.

He took a safe step back and held his hands up.

I rolled my eyes.

Fucking coward.

I’d lost count of the number of brawls Gibs had jumped into on my behalf down through the years, and vice versa.

This prick needed to get better friends.

“Stop!” the blond cried when I continued to slam my fist into her boyfriend’s face. “You’re hurting him!”

“Oh, you realize that, do you?” I spat out. “So you are capable of knowing right from wrong?”

“What’s your problem?” she cried. “We didn’t do anything to you!”

“You sure as shit did something to her,” I snarled. “And when you fuck with her, you fuck with me.”

The blond paled and I released her boyfriend.

He sank down on the floor, cupping his face and groaning like a pussy.

She moved straight to him.

“Did you like that?” I asked, glaring at the prick whose face I had just rearranged. “Was that nice?”

“Jesus, lad,” the lad groaned, holding his nose to stem the blood. “I didn’t do anything to you.”

“No,” I seethed. “And my girl”—I pointed to the lounge door—“didn’t do anything to your girl but that didn’t stop her from terrorizing her.” I glared at the blond. “From cutting her hair and beating the shit out her!”

The blond’s face turned scarlet.

I knew it.

“For Christ’s sake, Ciara,” the dark-haired guy groaned as he shook off the blond’s hand. “What did you do to her now?”

“Nothing,” Ciara argued. “I haven’t even seen her since Christmas, babe.”

“Do you like being terrorized?” I asked him, taking a step closer. “How does it feel to have no power?”

“I get it, lad,” the lad groaned, waving a hand in front of me. “Loud and clear.”

“Make sure your girlfriend gets it,” I hissed, glowering down at him. “Because if she doesn’t—” I paused to point at both the blond and the redhead before continuing. “If she or any of her whore friends even look at my girlfriend again, I’m coming for you.”

I stood there for a long-ass minute, giving every one of those BCS scum a glare and waiting for a response.

When I didn’t get one, like I knew I wouldn’t, I turned around and walked away, only to halt at the door.
