Page 257 of Binding 13

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“I know I am,” I replied, and for once in my life, I had the confidence to say that. It didn’t say much about me as a person when all I excelled at in life was kicking ass on GTA, but it was better than nothing.

“Well, little girl, you better put your money where your mouth is,” Johnny shot back with a smirk. “Because I’m the best.”

I snorted. “It’s on, little boy.”

Johnny shook his head, clearly amused with my smack talk, and then hurried over to set up the game.

“No memory cards,” he called over his shoulder. “Start from scratch, and the person who completes the most missions before dying is the winner—and girls first.”

“That’ll be me,” I replied, accepting the controller he held out to me.

“Because you’re a girl?”

“Because I’m the best.”

“Do you, uh—” Johnny scratched his head and gestured to his bed. “Want to do this here?”

“On your bed?” I squeaked.

He shrugged, looking as uncertain as I felt. “Or the beanbags, if you prefer?”

“Uh, yeah, okay,” I replied. I walked over to the leather beanbags lying side by side, only to hesitate and swing back to look at him. “If you want me to—”

“Sit your ass down, little Lynch, so I can beat you,” Johnny interrupted me, tone laced with amusement.

I sank onto one of the bags and gave him my best you’re-going-down expression.

“You should get comfy,” I noted when he sprawled onto the beanbag next to mine. “You’re going to be watching for a while.” Clicking into the game, I thumbed on my controller, attention riveted to his massive television screen, and muttered, “A long while.”

“No cheats!” Johnny barked an hour later. “That’s fucking cheating.”

“No, it’s not.” I laughed as I keyed in another cheat code to load my guy up on life. “You never said anything about cheat codes.”

“Yeah, I fucking did,” Johnny huffed from beside me.

“‘No memory cards. Start from scratch, and the person who completes the most missions before dying is the winner,’” I mimicked his voice. “You never said anything about cheat codes.”

“You’re dangerous,” Johnny grumbled. “And sneaky.”

“I’m the best,” I cackled as I cleared another mission. “I did try to warn you.”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t expect you to be the Bill fucking Gates of Grand Theft Auto, did I?”

I laughed loudly, feeling completely at ease with him in this moment.

“Because I’m a girl?”

“Because I thought you were sweet,” Johnny shot back, and I didn’t have to look to know he was pouting. He’d been pouting for almost an hour.

I snickered to myself.

“Now I know better,” Johnny huffed. “You’re a little demon.”

Biting down on my lip to stop myself from laughing at his tantrum, I concentrated even harder on evading the cops hunting me down.

“How are you doing this?” Johnny demanded then, clearly outraged. Springing forward, he waved his hand at the screen. “You have five fucking stars. Five. And you’re still not dead.”

Pausing the game, I turned and gave him my full attention.
