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45I’m a Virgin


I was in so much fucking trouble.

For once, my problems had nothing to do with my adductor and everything to do with the girl naked in my bathroom.

“What the hell was that about?” I hissed when I found my mother in the kitchen.

“Hello, love,” my mother replied, as she continued to chop carrots, clearly oblivious to my outrage.

“Hello?” I balked. “That’s all you’ve got to say?”

Setting her knife down on the chopping board, she turned to face me.

“That girl is fragile, Johnny.” Mam nibbled on her lip, brows furrowed in concern. “There is something about her that makes me want to wrap my arms around her and cuddle the sadness out of her eyes.”

Yeah, I knew the feeling. I knew that feeling very fucking well.

“So, you force her to come over here?” I hissed. “Tell me how that was a good idea?”

“Oh god,” Mam strangled. “I haven’t upset her, have I?”

“No, she’s okay,” I bit out. “But I’m not.”

I was so far from okay that the word was a blip on my radar.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“What’s wrong?” I practically spat out. “Ma, you just snookered me! What were you thinking bringing her here?”

“You were enjoying yourself up there,” Mam said with a smile. “She was beating you at PlayStation, huh?”

Yeah, she was. Shannon was kicking my ass at GTA and ruining other parts of my anatomy.

I had no clue how I ended up getting my ass handed to me by that pint-sized girl, but that’s what happened. Watching her completely dominate my PlayStation was so fucking hot. Seriously, her skills with a controller, and her ability to kick my ass like she did, only made her infinitely sexier.

She was fucking perfect.

I was so caught up in her that I could have sat there all night, just being with her.

And then my ma had to go wreck it and make everything all awkward and strained again.

Jesus, she was naked in my room.


I couldn’t handle that. Not when all I wanted to do was be naked right with her. I was only seventeen. This was a temptation I doubted a man twice my age could resist.

I shook my head and expelled a frustrated breath. “Why, Ma…? Why in god’s name would you do this to me? And this—” I held up Shannon’s jumper and shook it around. “Why would you make her shower here?”

“Did she have a shower?”

“She’s currently in my shower.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

Good? “What are you trying to do to me, Ma?” I demanded. “Why would you do this?”
