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I nodded. “She kicked my ass, lad. I’ve never seen anyone clear missions as fast as she did.”

He exhaled another cloud of smoke and tossed his cigarette out the window. “Did she have a cheat sheet with her?”

“She didn’t need one,” I muttered as I pressed a button and rolled up the windows. “She had every bleeding code memorized.”

“Oh god,” Gibsie groaned. “That is so fucking sexy.”

I pointed to the passenger door. “Get out of my car.”

“I’m not thinking about her like that.” He laughed as he swung the door open and climbed out.

Yeah, he fucking was.

50Period Leaks and Hero Boys


When I woke up on Tuesday morning, it took me a ridiculous amount of time to drag myself out of bed. I was in so much pain that all I wanted to do was bury my head under the duvet and stay there.

Knowing that staying home from school meant spending all day in the same house as my father was a big enough incentive to go to school. But the thought of having to face Johnny again meant it was a close call.

I didn’t feel right. My mind was reeling and my body was in agony.

By the time I climbed off the bus at Tommen, my body felt like it was trying to hack itself apart from the inside out and it was starting with my stomach.

I had Johnny’s jacket washed, dried, and wrapped up in a plastic carrier bag in the front pocket of my schoolbag, ready to return to him, like Claire and I discussed. I intended to give it back to him and bolt. Better still, if I saw Gibsie, I could give it to him and be done with it.

All morning, I watched out for him in the hallways, but we never crossed paths.

A million and one ridiculous thoughts and worries filled my mind.

Was he hurt?

I already knew he was hurt.

But was it worse?

Was it his adductor? Was he in the hospital? Was he sick?

God, I was pathetic.

I would have dwelled even more on his absence if it wasn’t for the god-awful pain in my stomach demanding all of my attention. My stomach was cramping, with every one of my abdominal muscles agonizingly contracting like an attack of blades cutting me from the inside out.

This wasn’t anxiety-induced. No, this was definitely something else.

The pain was so bad I could hardly focus on my schoolwork, and I didn’t have the girls to distract me from it because Claire was at that away game with the girl’s hockey team, and Lizzie hadn’t shown up for school today. Knowing my luck, Lizzie was out sick with a vomiting bug and I was brewing the same.

Going through the motions, I went to all my classes, sat by myself, tried to blend in with the wallpaper, and prayed not to pass out. By the time big break rolled around, I’d had quite enough of school for one day and was prepared to do some morally questionable things for a couple of acetaminophen and a glass of water.

However, my day took a predominant turn for the worst when a girl from sixth year pulled me aside in the hallway and uttered the words every teenage girl on the face of the planet dreaded hearing at school. “Excuse me, hun, but I think you’re leaking.”

Because I was me, it took my brain several seconds to comprehend what she was saying, and several more before I gathered her meaning. The minute I did, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

Scratch that; I wanted to burst into flames and disintegrate into thin air because having a sixth-year girl point out the fact that you were leaking in the middle of a school hallway had that effect on a girl.

Mortified, I dashed into the girls’ bathroom to investigate. Thankfully, the bathroom was empty when I barreled inside. Ditching my schoolbag on the floor, I stood with my back to the mirror and craned my head around.

“Oh, god, no!” I sob-gasped when my gaze landed on the bloodstain on the back of my gray school skirt.

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