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“I’m sorry.” I rolled off the word for the hundredth fucking time.

“Johnny,” Mr. Twomey said, clearing his throat. “Why don’t you go back and change into your uniform and get to your next class.”

I sagged in relief, delighted at the prospect of getting away from this crazy fucking woman.

I took a few steps in the direction of the front entrance, then paused, hesitating.

Should I leave her?

Should I stay?

Walking away didn’t feel like the right thing to do.

Unsure, I moved to turn back but was shot down with a barking order.

“Keep walking, Johnny!” her mother ordered, pointing a finger at me.

So I did.

5Laying Down Laws and Breaking Them


By the time I made it back to the changing room, after a detour trip to the lunch hall to speak to the vice principal, Mrs. Lane, the team was finished with practice and most of the lads had finished showering.

Ignoring the muffled remarks and stares when I walked in, I went straight to Patrick Feely, apologized for being a prick to him earlier, shook it out, and then skulked over to the bench.

Sinking down beside my gear bag, I kicked my feet out, rested my head against the cool slabbed wall behind me, and exhaled a heavy breath as my brain went into overdrive, obsessing over every detail of the day’s events.

What a fucking day.


I wasn’t a bully. I’d never laid eyes on the girl before in my life.

Apparently, that little gem of information was lost on our vice principal, who’d been called in by Mr. Twomey to help dispel the drama.

After a ten-minute bollocking off Twomey’s right-hand woman, I’d been given strict instructions to stay away from the Lynch girl. Her mother thought I was fucking bullying her and didn’t want me going anywhere near her daughter. If I went near her again, I would face immediate suspension.

It was complete and utter bullshit, and I hoped Shannon had the decency to straighten it out—and stand up for me.

Fuck it.


I would keep a wide-ass berth. I didn’t need the hassle. Girls were a fucking complication I didn’t need, even little ones with wild blue eyes.

Dammit, now I was thinking about her eyes again.

She still has your jersey, I mentally noted, which made me sad for a whole different reason. It was new and I’d only worn it this one fucking time.

It looked better on her though, I begrudgingly acknowledged.

She could keep it.

I just hoped she didn’t throw it out. I would have to pay eighty quid to replace the bleeding thing.

“You alright, Johnny boy?” Gibsie asked, interrupting my thoughts as he dropped down on the bench beside me. He was freshly showered and clad in a pair of boxers. “How’s the girl?” he added, bending to root in his gear bag.
